
In: Biology

8. You are interested in two plant genes: one for plant height and one for flower...

8. You are interested in two plant genes: one for plant height and one for flower color. You cross a tall white plant to a short red plant. All of the progeny are tall pink plants

  1. What is the genotype of the tall white parental plant?
  2. What is the genotype of the short red parental plant?
  3. What is the genotype of the F1 tall pink plant?
  4. What six phenotypic classes of plant would result from a cross between two of the tall pink plants?

      1                                                                    4

      2                                                                    5

      3                                                                    6

  1. Of the six phenotypic classes, which are “true-breeding”?
  2. What ratio of the six phenotypic classes would you expect from the above (d) cross if the two genes are unlinked?  You do NOT have to do a big Punnett square for this: do each trait individually and then multiply.


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