
In: Computer Science

Please analyze and summarize the accomplishing tasks with Mac OS X network commands and Mac OS...

Please analyze and summarize the accomplishing tasks with Mac OS X network commands and Mac OS X commands in a paragraph or two.


Expert Solution

Mac OS X network commands are:

Steps to be followed in the commands given are:

After writing up the presentation for MacSysAdmin in Sweden, I decided to go ahead and throw these into a quick cheat sheet for anyone who’d like to have them all in one place. Good luck out there. Get an ip address for en0: ipconfig getifaddr en0 .

Same thing, but setting and echoing a variable: ip=`ipconfig getifaddr en0` ; echo $ip

View the subnet mask of en0: ipconfig getoption en0 subnet_mask View the dns server for en0: ipconfig getoption en0 domain_name_server.

Get information about how en0 got its dhcp on: ipconfig getpacket en1 View some network info: ifconfig en0 Set en0 to have an ip address of and a subnet mask of ifconfig en0 inet netmask

Show a list of locations on the computer: networksetup -listlocations. Obtain the active location the system is using: networksetup -getcurrentlocation.

Create a network location called Work and populate it with information from the active network connection: networksetup -createlocation Work populate.

Delete a network location called Work: networksetup -deletelocation Work. Switch the active location to a location called Work: networksetup -switchlocation Work.

Switch the active location to a location called Work, but also show the GUID of that location so we can make scripties with it laters: scselect Work.

List all of the network interfaces on the system: networksetup -listallnetworkservices.

Rename the network service called Ethernet to the word Wired: networksetup -renamenetworkservice Ethernet Wired.

After enabling the network we have to disable the networ.

Disable a network interface: networksetup -setnetworkserviceenabled off.

Change the order of your network services: networksetup -ordernetworkservices “Wi-Fi” “USB Ethernet” .

At last we have to set the interface for that we have to use that command.

Set the interface called Wi-Fi to obtain it if it isn’t already networksetup -setdhcp Wi-Fi

These are the commands for the MAC Os X network commands.

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