
In: Operations Management

Identify four entities external to the organization that would be affected by a disaster. Business Communication:...

Identify four entities external to the organization that would be affected by a disaster.

Business Communication: BCP and Disaster Recovery


Expert Solution

Disaster can be defined as any event that can have a catastrophic effect on the organization and the other types of entities. Whenever any types of disaster occur, it has its ripple impact and not only the organization but the other entities are also affected by it The main entities are given below which may be affected by the disaster=

Customers= Customers may be impacted directly by the disaster as when the firm is facing some type of disaster, it will not be able to provide the supply of required products and services

Suppliers= As suppliers depend on the business from the organizations and as the organizations may not be able to sustain their production during the disaster, thus suppliers will also be affected negatively

Government= The government will be affected as it will lose the taxes and also it might be required to support the organization to recover from the disaster

Regulatory bodies= These are affected as they have to investigate the disaster and change and modify the prevailing regulations to avid the similar types of events in future

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