
In: Computer Science

from urllib import request import json """ Complete this program that calculates conversions between US dollars...

from urllib import request
import json

Complete this program that calculates conversions between US dollars and other currencies. (Please use Pyton 3.8)

In your main function, start a loop.
In the loop, ask the user what currency code they would like to convert to
And, how many dollars they want to convert.

If you scroll down, you can see an example response with the available 3-letter currency codes.

Call the get_exchange_rates() function. 
This function returns a dictionary with another dictionary inside it. 
You'll need to get the exchange rate from the dictionary.

If the user enters a currency code that is not in the dictionary, your program should not crash.
It should print a message saying the code was not found, and repeat the loop so they can try again.

Then, do the math. For example, if the user wants to convert $100 to Euros (EUR), 
and the exchange rate is 0.874, then you need to multiply the US Dollar amount by 
the exchange rate to get the amount in Euros. So to convert $100 to Euro, 100 * 0.874 = 87.4 Euro.

Display the result to the user. Format the number to 2 decimal places.

Don't modify the get_exchange_rates function or the example_exchange_rates function. 
These functions get data from If this site is not available or your 
computer is not online, then get_exchange_rates will return an example dictionary that is the 
same structure as the response. This is not an error - your program will
do the same thing for real data as it does for example data.


def main():
    # TODO write your code inside this main function.
    print('Remove this print statement, and then write your code here.')

# You do not need to modify any code below here.  There's a call to main at very end of this file.

def get_exchange_rates():
    """" Connect to the server and request the latest exchange rates,
    relative to US Dollars.  Return the response as a dictionary. """

    url = ''

    try:  # Attempt to connect to the exchangeratesapi server
        response = request.urlopen(url).read()   # and get the server's response
        data = json.loads(response)   # convert the response to a Python dictionary
        return data # return the dictionary
    except:  # this code runs if there's any error fetching data.
        # It returns some example data, that has the same structure as real data, to use instead
        # So it's no problem if you don't have an internet connection or the exchangeratesapi server is down.
        print('There was an error fetching real data. Perhaps you are offline? Returning example data.')
        return example_exchange_rates()

def example_exchange_rates():
    """ In case the is not available, the program will use this example data.
     This data has the same structure as real data, so your program doesn't need to worry if real data
     or example data is used. """
    example_data = {
       "base": "USD",
       "date": "2019-01-30",
       "rates": {
          "ISK": 119.8705048561,
          "CAD": 1.3221629189,
          "MXN": 19.0960713973,
          "CHF": 0.9977250853,
          "AUD": 1.3898853793,
          "CNY": 6.7168606177,
          "GBP": 0.7642050923,
          "USD": 1.0,
          "SEK": 9.0859217779,
          "NOK": 8.4817569341,
          "TRY": 5.2750021874,
          "IDR": 14130.0026249016,
          "ZAR": 13.6043398373,
          "HRK": 6.4953189255,
          "EUR": 0.8749671887,
          "HKD": 7.8451308076,
          "ILS": 3.6677749584,
          "NZD": 1.4632076297,
          "MYR": 4.1057835331,
          "JPY": 109.4408959664,
          "CZK": 22.5759034036,
          "SGD": 1.3510368361,
          "RUB": 65.9388397935,
          "RON": 4.1605564791,
          "HUF": 276.9533642488,
          "BGN": 1.7112608277,
          "INR": 71.1794557704,
          "KRW": 1118.1905678537,
          "DKK": 6.5314550704,
          "THB": 31.3798232566,
          "PHP": 52.3002887392,
          "PLN": 3.7540467232,
          "BRL": 3.7091609065

    return example_data



Expert Solution

from urllib import request
import json
def main():
# TODO write your code inside this main function.
while again.lower()=="y":
code = input("Enter currency code to convert to: ")
if code not in exchangeRates:
print("The entered currency code was not found!! Please try for another one")
amt = float(input('Enter dollar amount to convert: $'))
print("USD ${:.2} is equal to {:s} {:.2f}".format(amt,code,cnverted))
again = input("Do you want to enter again(y/n)?: ")
# You do not need to modify any code below here. There's a call to main at very end of this file.

def get_exchange_rates():
"""" Connect to the server and request the latest exchange rates,
relative to US Dollars. Return the response as a dictionary. """

url = ''

try: # Attempt to connect to the exchangeratesapi server
response = request.urlopen(url).read() # and get the server's response
data = json.loads(response) # convert the response to a Python dictionary
return data # return the dictionary
except: # this code runs if there's any error fetching data.
# It returns some example data, that has the same structure as real data, to use instead
# So it's no problem if you don't have an internet connection or the exchangeratesapi server is down.
print('There was an error fetching real data. Perhaps you are offline? Returning example data.')
return example_exchange_rates()

def example_exchange_rates():
""" In case the is not available, the program will use this example data.
This data has the same structure as real data, so your program doesn't need to worry if real data
or example data is used. """
example_data = {
"base": "USD",
"date": "2019-01-30",
"rates": {
"ISK": 119.8705048561,
"CAD": 1.3221629189,
"MXN": 19.0960713973,
"CHF": 0.9977250853,
"AUD": 1.3898853793,
"CNY": 6.7168606177,
"GBP": 0.7642050923,
"USD": 1.0,
"SEK": 9.0859217779,
"NOK": 8.4817569341,
"TRY": 5.2750021874,
"IDR": 14130.0026249016,
"ZAR": 13.6043398373,
"HRK": 6.4953189255,
"EUR": 0.8749671887,
"HKD": 7.8451308076,
"ILS": 3.6677749584,
"NZD": 1.4632076297,
"MYR": 4.1057835331,
"JPY": 109.4408959664,
"CZK": 22.5759034036,
"SGD": 1.3510368361,
"RUB": 65.9388397935,
"RON": 4.1605564791,
"HUF": 276.9533642488,
"BGN": 1.7112608277,
"INR": 71.1794557704,
"KRW": 1118.1905678537,
"DKK": 6.5314550704,
"THB": 31.3798232566,
"PHP": 52.3002887392,
"PLN": 3.7540467232,
"BRL": 3.7091609065

return example_data


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