In: Advanced Math
Three frogs are placed on three vertices of a square. Every minute, one frog leaps over another frog, in such a way that the "leapee" is at the midpoint of the line segment whose endpoints are the starting and ending positions of the "leaper". Will a frog ever occupy the vertex of the square which was originally unoccupied?
Let us develop some terminology to help us better understand the problem.
We will say that the co-ordinate pair is a lattice
point if both
are integers.
For example: is a lattice
point while
is not.
Let us suppose, we have a unit square with vertices ,
Without loss of generality, let us assume that the three frogs
are at the vertices ,
If not, we can always rotate the square to do so.
Another terminology! ... being even and
odd, observe that
are of the form
Claim is that the vertex is
never occupied.
In fact, we will prove something stronger that we never reach
any point with
So, where do we start?.. It is only fair that we start from the beginning and use what is given to us.
Starting we have, before any leap is made, the occupied vertices
are ,
What happens after the first leap made by anyone of the frogs?
Say, the frog at leaps towards
the frog at
. That means
is the
mid-point of starting position
and the
ending position of the leaper, say,
Solving, we get
What did you observe? That the ending position is a lattice point.
Also, is
. And so is the ending position
So, it leads us to think that given any point of time, the
positions occupied are lattice points with one of the parities
We will prove the same using the method of infinite descent.
i.e., for any positive integer , the occupied vertices
leaps are lattice points with one of the parities among
We have shown it for above.
Suppose that the result is true for .
i.e, the occupied vertices after leaps are lattice
points with one of the parities among
So, what happens when a new leap has been made?
Suppose there is a frog at a point which wants
to leap towards another frog at a point
By previous result, and
are lattice points with one of the parities among
Now, where does the frog land?
Say, it lands at the point where
are only real numbers to begin with. We do not know if they are
i.e., is the
mid-point of
That means are integers.
Also, observe that
So, if ,
, then
would also
have to be
That means even after leaps, the
occupied vertices are lattice points with one of the parities among
Since is any positive
integer, we have that the occupied vertices are lattice points with
one of the parities among
That means the vertex is never
occupied. This finishes the proof.