
In: Computer Science

In Python write a function that simulates the throwing of any even numbered dice which will...

In Python write a function that simulates the throwing of any even numbered dice which will be passed on as a parameter: customDice(sides). The function will return a random number rolled for that particular type of dice. Write the program that will utilize the customDice function with the following specification: Ask the user to pick which even-sided dice to use. The program will then roll the dice twice. If the total of both rolls is greater than the number of die sides+1, then they lose. If not, they win. Write statements that prompt the user for the type of dice to use, print the value from the two rolls and a message whether they win or lose. If the user enters an odd number, ask for the input again.

Sample dialogs:

Please choose an even-sided dice: 3

Sorry, it must be an even-sided dice.

Please choose an even-sided dice: 10

Roll 1: 3

Roll 2: 10

Total: 13

You lose (13 > 11)!

Please choose an even-sided dice: 8

Roll 1: 3

Roll 2: 2

Total: 5

You win (5 < 9)!


Expert Solution

i hope u will understand the program .. i have commented every statement using '#' for easy understanding..

comment if u have any query...:)

import random
def customdice(side):       #we defined customedice function
    roll1 = random.randint(1,6)  #roll1 stores random numnber generated by dice
    roll2 = random.randint(1,6)  #roll2 stores random numnber generated by dice
    print("Roll 1:",roll1)
    print("Roll 2:",roll2)
    sum = roll1 + roll2   
    return  sum     #it will return total of dices to calling function

def even(side): #checking for user entered even number or not
    if side%2==0 :
        return side
        print("Sorry,it must be an even sided dice")

ch= 'y' 
while ch == 'y':   #it will continue until user don't want 
    side = int(input("Please choose an even sided dice")) #user input for dice
    if side == even(side) :   #calling even Function
        sum = customdice(side)
        print("Total :",sum)
        if sum > side+1 :    #checking winning strategies
            print("You Lose.(",sum,">",side+1,")!")
        elif sum == side+1 :
            print("Tied try again.(", sum, "=", side+1, ")!")
        else :
            print("You Won.(", sum, "<", side+1,")!")
    ch = input("Enter 'y' to continue or 'n' to Exit") #asking user to continue or not

output :

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