
In: Computer Science

I am writing a matlab program where I created a figure that has a few different...

I am writing a matlab program where I created a figure that has a few different elements to it and now I need to move that figure into a specific excel file into a specific set of boxes in the excel file. With numbers and text I have always used the xlswrite function for this in order to put data into specific boxes. How do I do the same with this figure? The figure I have is called like this:


hold on


hold off

With all these lines how do I treat it like one function in order to move it to excel?


Expert Solution

    xlApp = actxGetRunningServer('Excel.Application'); % capture existing excel application
catch ME %#ok
    xlApp = actxserver('Excel.Application'); % instantiate new excel application
xlApp.Visible = 1;
xlWorkbook = xlApp.workbooks.Open(fullfile(xlFilePath,xlFileName),0,true);
xlSheets = xlWorkbook.Sheets;
xlSheetNamesArray = cell(xlSheets.Count,1); 
for i = 1:xlSheets.Count
    xlSheetNamesArray{i} = xlSheets.Item(i).Name; % sheet-order is not guaranteed so must build array
[~,idx] = ismember('Price',xlSheetNamesArray);
xlActiveSheet = xlWorkbook.ActiveSheet;
xlCurrRange = xlActiveSheet.Range('C4:C33');
priceVector = xlCurrRange.Value2;
priceVector = cell2mat(priceVector);
[~,idx] = ismember('Portfolios',xlSheetNamesArray);
xlActiveSheet = xlWorkbook.ActiveSheet;
xlCurrRange = xlActiveSheet.Range('B4:B22');
isinVector = xlCurrRange.Value2;
xlCurrRange = xlActiveSheet.Range('C3:G3');
ptfNumVector = cell2mat(xlCurrRange.Value2)';
xlCurrRange = xlActiveSheet.Range('C4:G22');
dataMatrix = xlCurrRange.Value2;
isnanMatrixMask = strcmp(dataMatrix,'ActiveX VT_ERROR: '); % handle missing data - assume as no position
dataMatrix(isnanMatrixMask) = {0};
dataMatrix = cell2mat(dataMatrix);

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