
In: Statistics and Probability

(a) What is the probability that he will read the news the first day he tries this?


Suppose a professor of probability is tired of reading the depressing news and so he decides that he will quickly scan the first 5 headlines in the New Yorks Times and the first 5 headlines in the Boston Globe and if at most 3 of the articles in each are depressing, he will read the news that day. Further suppose that the probability of a NYTs headline being depressing is 0.6 and for the Globe the probability of a headline being depressing is 0.55.

(a) What is the probability that he will read the news the first day he tries this?

(b) In order to be "well-informed" he needs to read the news at least half the time; what is the probability that he will be well-informed after doing this for a week?

Hint: This is another problem where there are two independent parts of the random experiment. You might want to phrase it as three different random variables, all three binomial.


Expert Solution

The professor decides that he will quickly scan the first 5 headlines of the New York Times and the first 5 headlines of the Boston Globe. If at most 3 in each are depressing, he will read the news that day.

Given, the probability of a NYT headline being depressing is 0.6 = (p1 , say)

          the probability of a Globe headline being depressing is 0.55 = (p2 , say)

Let X denote the number of headlines among the first 5 headlines of the NYT that are depressing.

Let Y denote the number of headlines among the first 5 headlines of the Globe that are depressing.

Clearly both X and Y follow Binomial distributions as in each case the headline can be one of exactly 2 independent outcomes ie depressing or not depressing.

Hence, X ~ Bin(5,p1)    and Y ~ Bin(5,p2)

The probability mass function of X is defined as :

                                                 ; x=0,1,2,3,4,5

Accordingly, the Probability mass function of Y is defined as :

                                                     ; y=0,1,2,3,4,5

So, the probability of atmost 3 news from NYT being depressing is P(X<=3) and the probability of atmost 3 news from the Globe being depressing is P(Y<=3) .

Now,     P(X<=3)    





And, P(Y<=3)





a.)    Hence the probability that he reads the news the first day he tries

= Probability that NYT has atmost3 depressing news and Probability that Global has atmost 3 depressing news

= P( X<=3 ) * P( Y<=3 )   {Since, each newspaper having depressing news is independent of the other}

= 0.66304 * 0.74678

= 0.49515    (approx)

b.) In order to be well informed, he needs to read the newspaper atleast half the time , which means atleast 4 days a week.

The chances of him reading the newspaper on a certain day is completely independent of the chances of him reading the newspaper on any other day.

Let Z denote the number of days of the week he reads the newspaper.

Clearly, Z follows a Binomial distribution.

The chances of him reading the newswpaper on a certain day is obtained in part (a.) as 0.49515 (=p ,say).

Then , Z~ Bin(7,p=0.49515)

The Probability mass function of Z is given as :

                        ; z=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7

The required probability is :

   P( Z >= 4)





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