
In: Computer Science

Name your program file Submit your working Python code to your account. In this...

Name your program file

Submit your working Python code to your account.

In this challenge, establish if a given integer num is a Curzon number. If 1 plus 2 elevated to num is exactly divisible by 1 plus 2 multiplied by num, then num is a Curzon number.

Given a non-negative integer num, implement a function that returns True if num is a Curzon number, or False otherwise.


is_curzon(5) ➞ True
2 ** 5 + 1 = 33
2 * 5 + 1 = 11
33 is a multiple of 11
is_curzon(10) ➞ False
2 ** 10 + 1 = 1025
2 * 10 + 1 = 21
1025 is not a multiple of 21
is_curzon(14) ➞ True
2 ** 14 + 1 = 16385
2 * 14 + 1 = 29
16385 is a multiple of 29

Write a Python program that reads in an integer. Make sure the integer is positive (including zero). If it is then output the sum of the Curzon numbers that exist between 0 and the number. If the number is not positive then output an error message "input not valid" on a line by itself.

Repeat this process until you read in a zero, then stop.

Add the following comments to EVERY Python program for this course

# Your Name
# CSCI 236
# Date
# Program 00 - Warmup
# approximate number of hours you invested
# Grade Version (some programs will have A, B, C versions, this one does not)
# description of any major problems you ran into
# status of the program - does it compile, does it run perfectly, does it have bugs, any limitations, etc


Expert Solution

#funnction for curzon check number

def is_curzon(num):

#make a temporary number with given first condition

cond1 = 2**number + 1

#make second temporary number

cond2 = 2*number + 1

#check for given condition

if cond1 % cond2 == 0:

return True


return False

number = int(input("Enter any positive integer: "))

#Check if the number is positive

if number >= 0:

#if positive proceed to calling the isCurzon function


#If not positive number, print the error message


print("input not valid")


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