
In: Computer Science

Write a program to validate parenthesis of any given equation by using the following criteria (you...

Write a program to validate parenthesis of any given equation by using the following criteria (you MUST use stacks); Number of open parenthesis “(“must be same as number of close parentheses “)” For example if I input “3 + 4 * (98+34*(34+8)*34*(3+x)” the program should display an error message, because number of open parenthesis “(“is 3 and number of closed “)” parenthesis is 2.


#include "stack.h"
#include "stack.cpp"

int main() {
   stack<int> my_stack(100);
   for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
       my_stack.push(rand() % 10 + 1);
   cout << "stack size is: " << my_stack.getSize() << endl;
   cout << "top of the stack: " << my_stack.peek() << endl;
   while (!my_stack.isEmpty())
       cout << my_stack.pop() << " - ";
   cout << endl;



#pragma once
#ifndef STACK_H
#define STACK_H
using namespace std;
template<class T>
class stack
   stack(int ); // constructor
   T peek(); // returns the top item from stack without removing
   void push(T anItem);
   T pop(); // remove top element and return it
   bool isEmpty(); // check if teh stack is empty
   //void print_the_stack();
   int getSize(); // return size of stack
   T* a;
   int size;// count howmany items are in the stack
   int capacity;// maximum capacity of the stack

#endif // !STACK_H


#include "stack.h"
template<class T>
stack<T>::stack(int capacity) {

   size = 0;
   this->capacity = capacity;
   a = new T[capacity];
template<class T>
T stack<T>::peek() {
   return a[size-1];

template<class T>
void stack<T>::push(T anItem) {
   a[size] = anItem;
template<class T>
T stack<T>::pop() {
   if (size >0) {
       return a[size];

template<class T>
int stack<T>::getSize() {
   return size;
template<class T>
bool stack<T>::isEmpty() {
   return size > 0 ? false : true;
template<class T>
stack<T>::~stack() {
   delete[] a;


Expert Solution

C++ program for the provided problem statement

// c++ program to validate the parenthesis in the expression
// using stack
using namespace std;

// this function will check if the opening and closing parenthesis
// are of the same type
bool isParenthesisPair(char openingParenthesis, char closingParenthesis)
   if(openingParenthesis == '(' && closingParenthesis == ')'){
   return true;
   }else if(openingParenthesis == '{' && closingParenthesis == '}'){
   return true;
   }else if(openingParenthesis == '[' && closingParenthesis == ']'){
   return true;
   } else{
   return false;

// this method will match the opening and closing parenthesis respectively
// if no. of opening parenthesis == no. of the closing parenthesis
// then it will return true otherwise false
bool isExpBalanced(string expn)
// initialize an stack
   stack<char> S;
   // iterate the complete expression
   for(int i =0;i<expn.length();i++)
   // if opening parenthesis appears, push it to the stack
       if(expn[i] == '(' || expn[i] == '{' || expn[i] == '['){
       // if closing parenthesis appears then check the stack to
       // find the appropriate pair
       // to find the pair, call a helper function isParenthesisPair()
       else if(expn[i] == ')' || expn[i] == '}' || expn[i] == ']')
       // for a closing parenthesis
       // if stack is empty and there is no pair then return false
       // else pop the top of the stack
           if(S.empty() || !isParenthesisPair(,expn[i])){
               return false;
   // at the end, if all parenthesis are matched and stack is empty
   // then return true else return false
   return S.empty() ? true:false;

// driver function
int main()
// provide test cases
   int testCases = 0;
   cout<<"Enter number of test cases: ";
   while(testCases-- > 0){
   // input expression
   string expn;
   cout<<"\nEnter an expression: ";
   bool result = isExpBalanced(expn);
   cout<<"It is a balanced expression !!\n";
   cout<<"It is not a balanced expression !!\n";

C++ program Screenshots

C++ program Output Screenshot

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