In: Economics
-4) What are the standard error of the coefficients on skipped and male respectively? -5) What is the R-square of this regression? And the observation number? -6)What is the 95% confidence interval of the coefficient on male? ------------------------------------------- Number of obs = 141 F(5, 135) = 9.08 Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.2355 Root MSE = .10796 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust lcolGPA | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- lage | .1096206 .1829797 0.60 0.550 -.2522569 .4714981 hsGPA | .1421256 .0335665 4.23 0.000 .0757415 .2085098 ACT | .0042104 .0036565 1.15 0.252 -.003021 .0114418 male | .006346 .0194837 0.33 0.745 -.0321867 .0448788 skipped | -.0272508 .008722 -3.12 0.002 -.0445003 -.0100013 _cons | .2178343 .6002111 0.36 0.717 -.9691987 1.404867 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note that all the answers are given in the table recreaterd from the given information.
Number of obs = 141 | |||||
F(5, 135) = 9.08 | |||||
Prob > F = 0.0000 | |||||
R-squared = 0.2355 | |||||
Root MSE = .10796 | |||||
Robust lcolGPA | Coef. | Std. Err. | t | P>|t| | [95% Conf. Interval] |
lage | .1096206 | .1829797 | 0.60 | 0.550 | (-.2522569 , .4714981) |
hsGPA | .1421256 | .0335665 | 4.23 | 0.000 | (.0757415 , .2085098) |
ACT | .0042104 | .0036565 | 1.15 | 0.252 | (-.003021 , .0114418) |
male | .006346 | .0194837 | 0.33 | 0.745 | (-.0321867 , .0448788) |
skipped | -.0272508 | .008722 | -3.12 | 0.002 | (-.0445003 , -.0100013) |
_cons | .2178343 | .6002111 | 0.36 | 0.717 | (-.9691987 , 1.404867) |
4. The respective standard errors are as
5. The R-squared is given as 0.2355 or 23.55%, meaning that 23.55% of variation in the dependent variable is explained by the variation in the independent variable.
The number of observation is given as 141.
6. The 95% CI of coefficient of male is given as [-0.0321867 , 0.0448788].