
In: Computer Science

1. Define a class counterType to implement a counter. Your class must have a private data...

1. Define a class counterType to implement a counter. Your class must have a private data member counter of type int and functions to set counter to the value specified by the user, initialize counter to 0, retrieve the value of counter, and increment and decrement counter by one. The value of counter must be nonnegative.

2. Some of the characteristics of a book are the title, author(s), publisher, ISBN, price, and year of publication. Design a class bookType that defines the book as an ADT.

Each object of the class bookType can hold the following information about a book: title, up to four authors, publisher, ISBN, price, and number of copies in stock. To keep track of the number of authors, add another member variable.

Include the member functions to perform the various operations on objects of type bookType. For example, the usual operations that can be performed on the title are to show the title, set the title, and check whether a title is the same as the actual title of the book. Similarly, the typical operations that can be performed on the number of copies in stock are to show the number of copies in stock, set the number of copies in stock, update the number of copies in stock, and return the number of copies in stock. Add similar operations for the publisher, ISBN, book price, and authors. Add the appropriate constructors and a destructor (if one is needed).

Write the definitions of the member functions of the class bookType.

Write a program that uses the class bookType and tests various operations on the objects of the class bookType. Declare an array of 100 components of type bookType. Some of the operations that you should perform are to search for a book by its title, search by ISBN, and update the number of copies of a book.


Expert Solution

1. the code snippet for the first part:-

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


class definition for CounterType


class CounterType {


// private variables

int count;

int counter = 0;


// default constructor

CounterType() { count = 0; }

// constructor which accept count value and

// set the value to count

CounterType(int c) { count = c; }

// incrementing counter

void increseCounter() { counter++; }

// decreasing the count

int decreaseCount() {

// if count reach to then returning false

if (count == 0)

return 0;


return 1;


// methods for get count and get counter

int getCount() { return count; }

int getCounter() { return counter; }

// method for printing the info

void print_c(ostream &cout) {

cout << "Count : " << getCount() << "\n";

cout << "Counter : " << getCounter() << "\n\n";



// test method

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {

int value;

cout << "Please enter a COUNT value: ";

cin >> value;

CounterType c(value);

// using while loop printing

// count and counter

while (1) {



int t = c.decreaseCount();

// if count reach to 0 then nothing program will exit

if (!t) {




return 0;

}// end of program

2. Code for the second part:-


usingnamespace std;

classbookType//class to store information about the book
string title; //stories the title of an oject
string Authors[4]; //stores the Authors names
int n_Author; //stores number of Authors
string publishr; //Stores the name of Publisher
string ISBN;//store ISBN NUmber
double price; //Stores the price
int copies;
bookType(); //constructor
void setTitle(string); //function declaration to set the title
string r_title(); //function declaration to return the title
void showTitle(); //function declaration to show the title

void SetAuthors(int); //function declaration to set the Author(s)
void ShowAuthors()const; //function declaration to show the Autho(s)

void setPublishr(string); //function declaration to set the Publisher name
void showPublishr(); //function declaration to show the Publisher name

void setIBSN(string); //function declaration to set the IBSN No.
string r_IBSN(); //function declaration to return the IBSN No.
void showIBSN(); //function declaration to show the IBSN No.

void setPrice(double); //function declaration to set the price
double R_price(); //function declaration to return the price
void showPrice(); //function declaration to show the price

void setCopies(int); //function declaration to set the No.of Copies
int r_copies(); //function declaration to return the No.of Copies
void showCopies(); //function declaration to show the No.of Copies
void u_Copies(int); //function declaration to update the No.of Copies

void print(); //function declaration to print the all data about the book

void search();
bookType A[3]; //creating object using Aray

int main()
string ti;
int n,c=1;
double p;
char co;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) //loop to take the data of multiple books
cout <<"BOOK No."<< i + 1 << endl;
cout <<"Enter the Title :";
getline(cin, ti); //Takes the title from the user
A[i].setTitle(ti); //set the title in private member of a class
cout <<"Enter the Numbers of Authors : ";
while (!(cin >> n) || n<0) { //validation checking of number of authors
cin.ignore(999, '\n');
cout <<"Invalid data type! \nPlease Enter the Numbers of Authors again :";
if (n > 4 || n <= 0)
cout <<"Enter the Numbers of Authors in the range of 1~4 :";
cin >> n;
A[i].SetAuthors(n); //set the Authors NAme

cout <<"Enter the Name of Publisher :";
getline(cin, ti); //Takes the Nmae of the publisher from the user
A[i].setPublishr(ti); //sets the publisher name
cout <<"Enter the ISBN no : ";
getline(cin, ti); //Takes the ISBN no. from the user
A[i].setIBSN(ti); //ststhe ISBN name
cout <<"Enter the price : ";
while (!(cin >> p) || p<0) { //validation checking of price entered by the user
cin.ignore(999, '\n');
cout <<"Invalid data type! \nPlease Enter the Price again :";
A[i].setPrice(p); //sets the price of the book
cout <<"Enter the number of copies :";
while (!(cin >> n) || n<0) { //validation checking of no of copies entered by the user
cin.ignore(999, '\n');
cout <<"Invalid data type! \nPlease Enter the number of copies again :";
A[i].setCopies(n); //set the no. of copies
cout << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) //loop to diplay the data of multiple books
cout << endl;
search(); //calling of search function
return 0;
voidbookType::setTitle(stringt) //Functon to set the title
title = t;
stringbookType::r_title() //Functon to return the title
return title;
voidbookType::showTitle() //Functon to show the title
cout <<"\tTitle : "<< r_title() << endl;

voidbookType::SetAuthors(intn) //Functon to set the names of author(s)
for (int i = 0; i <n; i++)
cout <<"\tAuthor #"<< i + 1<<" : ";
getline(cin, Authors[i]);

voidbookType::ShowAuthors() const//Functon to display the names of Authors
cout <<"\tAuthor(s)";
if (Authors[0] != "")
cout << Authors[0];
if (Authors[1] != "")
cout <<", "<<Authors[1];
if (Authors[2] != "")
cout <<", "<< Authors[2];
if (Authors[3] != "")
cout <<", "<< Authors[3];
cout << endl;
voidbookType::setPublishr(stringp) //Functon to set the name of publisher
publishr = p;
voidbookType::showPublishr() //Functon to show the name of publisher
cout <<"\tPublisher : "<< publishr << endl;
voidbookType::setIBSN(stringi) //Functon to set ISBN no.
ISBN = i;
stringbookType::r_IBSN() //Functon to return ISBN no.
return ISBN;
voidbookType::showIBSN() //Functon to return ISBN no.
cout <<"\tISBN : "<< r_IBSN() << endl;
voidbookType::setPrice(doublep) //Functon to set the price of a book
price = p;
doublebookType::R_price() //Functon to return the price of a book
return price;
voidbookType::showPrice() //Functon to show the price of a book
cout <<"\tPrice : "<< R_price() << endl;
voidbookType::setCopies(intn) //Functon to set the no. of copies of a book
copies = n;
intbookType::r_copies() //Functon to return the no. of copies of a book
return copies;
voidbookType::u_Copies(intu) //Functon to update the no. of copies of a book
cout <<"\tCopies in Stock : "<< r_copies() << endl;
voidbookType::print() ////Functon to print the book information
bookType::bookType() //constructor definition
title = "";
Authors[0] = "";
Authors[1] = "";
Authors[2] = "";
Authors[3] = "";
n_Author = 0;
ISBN = "0-00000-00";
price = 0.00;
copies = 0;
void search() //function to serach the book by ISBN no. or by title
int ch,c=1,n;
char co;
string ti;
cout <<"Enter 1 for to Search by 'Title' and '2' for to search by IBSN No. : ";
cin >> ch; //takes the choice
switch (ch)
case 1: //executes if user enters 1
cout <<"Enter the title :";
getline(cin, ti);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
string t = A[i].r_title();
if (ti == t)
c = 0;
cout <<"Did you want of modify the no of copies (y/n) :";
cin >> co;
switch (co)
cout <<"Enter the nmuber of Copies :";
cin >> n;
cout << endl <<"Modified DATA "<< endl << endl;
cout <<"Invliad Choice"<< endl;
if (c == 1 && i == 2)
cout <<"Not found a book with this title"<< endl;
case 2: //executes if user enters 2
cout <<"Enter the IBSN :";
getline(cin, ti);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
string t = A[i].r_IBSN();
if (t == ti)
c = 1;
cout <<"Did you want of modify the no of copies (y/n) :";
cin >> ch;
switch (ch)
cout <<"Enter the nmuber of Copies :";
cin >> n;
cout << endl <<"Modified DATA "<< endl << endl;
cout <<"Invliad Choice"<< endl;
if (c = 1 && c == 2)
cout <<"Not found a book with this ISBN NO."<< endl;
default: //exectes if user enter invalid choice
cout <<"Invliad choice"<< endl;


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