
In: Computer Science

Consider the following XML file: <root> <students> <element> <ID>100345</ID> <Nationality>USA</Nationality> <Program>ICT</Program> <age>23</age> <name>John</name> </element

  1. Consider the following XML file:

























Write an XQUERY to display the information for all students who are not Malaysians or older than 25.


Expert Solution

Xquery is like sql with respect to xml and database respetively

It is used for querying xml data and is built on xpath expressions

it comes under w3c recommendation and is supported by all major databases

It is executed step by step as

finding/ then extracting elements and its attributes from xml based documents, can be used to generate summary reports , extract content from web services, etc

For following xml file let the name be students.xml

To open this file we use doc() function

as doc("students.xml")

now to navigate through xml elements we use path expressions


will navigate you through xml to element names user defined tag

now there are also option for predicates like selective retreival of elements

example doc("students.xml")/root/students/element[age<25]

for student with age less than 25

we can also use where for this conditional retreival

also there is option of

Now for given query in question "Write an XQUERY to display the information for all students who are not Malaysians or older than 25"

it is like select query with fllowing syntax format


For Let Where OrderBY and Return

here we do need let and order by

to return all

for $x in doc("students.xml")/root/students/element
where ($x/@Nationality!="Malaysians" and $x/@age<25)
return $x

to return id:

for $x in doc("students.xml")/root/students/element where ($x/@Nationality!="Malaysians" and $x/@age<25) return data($x/@Id)

Hope you are able to understand concept

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