
In: Computer Science

Add to the code below so that when complied, it also shows the stalls which made...

Add to the code below so that when complied, it also shows the stalls which made a profit in increasing order of profit (lowest profit to highest profit) in output.txt

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>// for file streaming
using namespace std;

int main()


struct Stall


string name;

double income;

double expenses;

double net;


double tprofit_loss = 0, most_profit;

Stall tmp;

int n = 0;

Stall Stalls[100];

bool loop = true;
ifstream f; //this is a input file object"stalls.txt"); //open file with the f object

ofstream of; //this is a output file object"output.txt"); //open file "output.txt" with the of object

while (loop)


f >>; //read from the file

if ( == "xxxxxx")


loop = false;



f>> tmp.income; //read income from the file

f>> tmp.expenses; //read expenses from the file = tmp.income - tmp.expenses;

tprofit_loss +=;

if (n != 0)

if (Stalls[n-1].net >=

Stalls[n++] = tmp;



Stall tmp2 = Stalls[n-1];

Stalls[n-1] = tmp;

Stalls[n++] = tmp2;




Stalls[n++] = tmp;



of<< "Stall name\t" //write to the output file

<< "Net income" << endl;

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

of<< Stalls[i].name << "\t\t" << Stalls[i].net << endl;

of<< "Number of stalls in the bazar were: " << n << endl;

if (tprofit_loss < 0)

of << "Total loss of bazar is " << tprofit_loss << endl;


of << "Total profit of bazar is " << tprofit_loss << endl;

of << "Stalls with most profit are:" << endl;

most_profit = Stalls[0].net;

for (int i = 0; i < n && Stalls[i].net == most_profit; i++)

of << Stalls[i].name << ", ";

of << endl;

return 0;



Expert Solution

If you have any doubts, please give me comment...

#include <iostream>

#include <fstream> // for file streaming

using namespace std;

struct Stall {

string name;

double income;

double expenses;

double net;


int main() {

double tprofit_loss = 0, most_profit;

Stall tmp;

int n = 0;

Stall Stalls[100];

bool loop = true;

ifstream f; // this is a input file object"stalls.txt"); // open file with the f object

ofstream of; // this is a output file object"output.txt"); // open file "output.txt" with the of object

while (loop) {

f >>; // read from the file

if ( == "xxxxxx") {

loop = false;



f >> tmp.income; // read income from the file

f >> tmp.expenses; // read expenses from the file = tmp.income - tmp.expenses;

tprofit_loss +=;

Stalls[n] = tmp;



for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {

if (Stalls[i].net > Stalls[j].net) {

Stall tmp = Stalls[i];

Stalls[i] = Stalls[j];

Stalls[j] = tmp;




of << "Stall name\t" // write to the output file

<< "Net income" << endl;

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

of << Stalls[i].name << "\t\t" << Stalls[i].net << endl;

of << "Number of stalls in the bazar were: " << n << endl;

if (tprofit_loss < 0)

of << "Total loss of bazar is " << tprofit_loss << endl;


of << "Total profit of bazar is " << tprofit_loss << endl;

of << "Stalls with most profit are:" << endl;

most_profit = Stalls[n-1].net;

for (int i = n-1; i >=0 && Stalls[i].net == most_profit; i--)

of << Stalls[i].name << ", ";

of << endl;

return 0;


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