
In: Computer Science

1. Coding Assignment the program will start the menu calling the method extractLargestAndSmallestYourName(), which is specified...

1. Coding Assignment

the program will start the menu calling the method extractLargestAndSmallestYourName(), which is specified as below.
 The method extractLargestAndSmallestYourName() will receive 2 array of integers as arguments, which are denoted as array number 1 and array number 2.
 The method will then search for the largest value and the smallest value. The search will also track from which array(s) these values can be found; and
 The information will be return an array, which has the two (2) groups of data as follows,
1) The first group involves the largest value and from which array(s) and has the following structure (see the sample output for details):
largestValue numberOfArrayWithLargestValue {listOfArray}
2) The second group involves the smallest value and from which array(s) and has the following structure (see the sample output for details):
smallestValue numberOfArrayWithSmallestValue {listOfArray}
 The method MUST NOT MODIFY the existing arrays given as arguments.
Note also that
 No global variables and data are allowed. All methods (as if you need them) must be written and no library/package methods are allowed.
 Only output streaming through System.out and Scanner( (with their supportive methods) are allowed to be used.

by using java programming


Expert Solution

Code -

public class Main
//method to be called with 2 array as arguement and return the smallest
public static int [][] extractLargestAndSmallestYourName(int number1[], int number2[]){
//variable declare initialize max1 = first number of number1 array and same for max2
int max1=number1[0],max2=number2[0],min1=999999,min2=999999,i;
//first array extract the maximum and minimum
max1 = number1[i];
min1 = number1[i];
//second array extract the maximum and minimum
max2 = number2[i];
min2 = number2[i];
//initialize 2d array 2 store data for max and min and corresponding from which array
int a[][] = new int[2][2];
//if max1 is greater than max2 means max foound in array 1 is greater than max found in array 2
//store the result in array
a[0][0] = max1;
a[0][1] = 1;
a[0][0] = max2;
a[0][1] = 2;
//if min1 is greater than min2 means min foound in array 1 is greater than min found in array 2
//store the result in array
a[1][0] = min2;
a[1][1] = 2;
a[1][0] = min1;
a[1][1] = 1;
return a;
   public static void main(String[] args) {
   //array first with some random number
   int num1[] = {32, 54,23,65,34,76,34,12,43,545};
   //array second with some random number
   int num2[] = {53,65,34,12,15,56,97,56,76,87,2};
   //call the method extractLargestAndSmallestYourName and store value in 2 dimensional array b
   int b[][] = extractLargestAndSmallestYourName(num1,num2);
   //print the largest and smallest result
   System.out.println("Largest number found is "+b[0][0]+" from array "+b[0][1]);
   System.out.println("Smallest number found is "+b[1][0]+" from array "+b[1][1]);

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