
In: Economics

Review the budget process for state of Washington Summarize it for your classmates. Is it balanced?...

Review the budget process for state of Washington Summarize it for your classmates. Is it balanced? If not, what would you recommend to get it there? If there is a surplus, what would you do with it?


Expert Solution

ANS) The Washington State is giving approval for the budget in every two year gap.The state agencies are having the right to make the budget plan and submitting to the Governor.And when the budget is approved by the authority or the legislature and also by the great Governor then that state agency will be executing that rule or policy.

-- In the case of Washington budget the independent agency head are responsible for getting the absolute legal aims.And the office of financial management will be coordinating with the budget appeal of the agency and make ready the Governors budget advice to the legislature.

-- All the staff in the office of financial management will be working with the state agencies for making them understand about the paying outs.And the officers will be checking that very accurately for stability with the policy primary concerns and also for making sure that the evaluated expanses are correct or not.And the office of financial management is having the in charge for the correct regulation of the states accounting

-- The state of Washington is having a balanced budget process and in the starting of the year 2013-2015,the tax biennium,the expected managing level of the omnibus corrections in bill making by the legislature should not go beyond the available revenue resources for the upcoming and making it sure tax biennium.

-- The budget scheme are rolled out and the Washington home republicans have been disputed each other on the basic reality:is there is a budget excess.And one of the famous writer had said that there is around $2.8 billion excess in the budget in the coming 4 years and what happens is that the democrats said many times that there is no any kind of excess money for working with the biennium.


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