
In: Statistics and Probability

weight feed 309 1 229 1 181 1 141 1 260 1 203 1 148 1...

weight feed
309 1
229 1
181 1
141 1
260 1
203 1
148 1
169 1
213 1
257 1
244 1
271 1
243 3
230 3
248 3
327 3
329 3
250 3
193 3
271 3
316 3
267 3
199 3
171 3
158 3
248 3
423 4
340 4
392 4
339 4
341 4
226 4
320 4
295 4
334 4
322 4
297 4
318 4
325 2
257 2
303 2
315 2
380 2
153 2
263 2
242 2
206 2
344 2
258 2

A 1948 study in Biometrika investigated the effects of several different diets on the weight of chickens. In this study, chickens were randomly assigned to one of several different groups, and each group of chickens received a different type of feed. The data provided represent a subset of data from this study and show the weights (in grams) of chickens receiving the sunflower, linseed, soybean, and meatmeal feeds.

Use software to conduct an analysis of variance (ANOVA) ?‑test to test the claim that the mean weights of chickens receiving sunflower, linseed, soybean, and meatmeal are equal. What are the ?‑statistic and ?-value for this test? Please round your ?‑statistic to the nearest two decimal places and your ?-value to the nearest five decimal places.

?‑statistic :



Expert Solution


Sunflower Iinseed Soybean meatmeal
309 325 243 423
229 257 230 340
181 303 248 392
141 315 327 339
260 380 329 341
203 153 250 226
148 263 193 320
169 242 271 295
213 206 316 334
257 344 267 322
244 258 199 297
271 171 318

Using Excel function,

The OUTPUT Using Excel is:

Anova: Single Factor
Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Sunflower 12 2625 218.75 2728.568
Iinseed 11 3046 276.9091 4212.091
Soybean 14 3450 246.4286 2929.956
meatmeal 12 3947 328.9167 2384.992
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 80940.9 3 26980.3 8.90 0.00010 2.8115
Within Groups 136459.5 45 3032.433
Total 217400.4 48

F statistic (F) = 8.90

P-value = 0.00010


P-value < , i.e. 0.00010 < 0.05, That is Reject Ho at 5% level of significance.

Therefore, Fail to claim that the mean weights of chickens receiving sunflower, linseed, soybean, and meat meal are equal.

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