In: Operations Management
Chp 6
2. How are WBS and project networks linked
3. Why bother creating a WBS? Why not go straight to a project network and forget the WBS?
5. What is the difference between free slack and total slack?
6. Why are lags used in developing project networks?
Question 1
The Work Breakdown Structure is the process of subdividing both the project deliverables and project work into the smaller and more easily manageable components.
The networkutilizes the time estimates found in the work packages of the WBSin order to develop the network.
Question 2
It’s important to create a work break down structure. The benefits of WBS includes:
Question 3
Free slack: The free slack of an activity may be the time this activity can be delayed without any impact on the following activity.
Total slack: The total slack of an activity is the time this activity can be delayed without impact on the finishing date of the project.
Question 4
A lagmay be defined as the minimum amount of time a dependent activity must be delayed to begin or end.”
Lagsare usedto provide greater flexibility in networkconstruction and are used in developing project networksfor two primary reasons: