
In: Computer Science

.data A: .space 80 # create integer array with 20 elements ( A[20] ) size_prompt: .asciiz...


A:                              .space 80       # create integer array with 20 elements ( A[20] )
size_prompt:            .asciiz         "Enter array size [between 1 and 20]: "
array_prompt:           .asciiz         "A["
sorted_array_prompt:    .asciiz         "Sorted A["
close_bracket:          .asciiz         "] = "
search_prompt:          .asciiz "Enter search value: "
not_found:                      .asciiz " not in sorted A"
newline:                        .asciiz         "\n"    


        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Do not modify
        la $s0, A                       # store address of array A in $s0
        add $s1, $0, $0                 # create variable "size" ($s1) and set to 0
        add $s2, $0, $0                 # create search variable "v" ($s2) and set to 0
        add $t0, $0, $0                 # create variable "i" ($t0) and set to 0

        addi $v0, $0, 4                 # system call (4) to print string
        la $a0, size_prompt             # put string memory address in register $a0
        syscall                         # print string
        addi $v0, $0, 5                 # system call (5) to get integer from user and store in register $v0
        syscall                         # get user input for variable "size"
        add $s1, $0, $v0                # copy to register $s1, b/c we'll reuse $v0
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        slt $t1, $t0, $s1               # if( i < size ) $t1 = 1 (true), else $t1 = 0 (false)
        beq $t1, $0, end_prompt_loop     
        sll $t2, $t0, 2                 # multiply i * 4 (4-byte word offset)
        addi $v0, $0, 4                 # print "A["
        la $a0, array_prompt                    
        addi $v0, $0, 1                 # print value of i (in base-10)
        add $a0, $0, $t0                        
        addi $v0, $0, 4                 # print "] = "
        la $a0, close_bracket           
        addi $v0, $0, 5                 # get input from user and store in $v0
        add $t3, $s0, $t2               # A[i] = address of A + ( i * 4 )
        sw $v0, 0($t3)                  # A[i] = $v0 
        addi $t0, $t0, 1                # i = i + 1
        j prompt_loop                   # jump to beginning of loop
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------    

        addi $v0, $0, 4                 # print "Enter search value: "
        la $a0, search_prompt                   
        addi $v0, $0, 5                 # system call (5) to get integer from user and store in register $v0
        syscall                         # get user input for variable "v"
        add $s2, $0, $v0                # copy to register $s2, b/c we'll reuse $v0

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # TODO: PART 1
        #       Translate C code into MIPS (bubble sort)
        #       The above code has already created array A and A[0] to A[size-1] have been 
        #       entered by the user. After the bubble sort has been completed, the values im
        #       A are sorted in increasing order, i.e. A[0] holds the smallest value and 
        #       A[size -1] holds the largest value.
        #       int t = 0;
        #       for ( int i=0; i<size-1; i++ ) {
        #               for ( int j=0; j<size-1-i; j++ ) {
        #                       if ( A[j] > A[j+1] ) {
        #                               t = A[j+1];
        #                               A[j+1] = A[j];
        #                               A[j] = t;
        #                       }
        #               }
        #       }
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # TODO: PART 2
        #       Translate C code into MIPS (binary search)
        #       The array A has already been sorted by your code above int PART 1, where A[0] 
        #       holds the smallest value and A[size -1] holds the largest value, and v holds 
        #       the search value entered by the user
        #       int left = 0;
        #       int right = size - 1;
        #       int middle = 0;
        #       int element_index = -1;
        #       while ( left <= right ) { 
      #         middle = left + (right - left) / 2; 
      #         if ( A[middle] == v) {
      #                         element_index = middle;
      #                         break;
      #         }
      #         if ( A[middle] < v ) 
      #                         left = middle + 1; 
      #         else
      #                         right = middle - 1; 
        #       } 
        #       if ( element_index < 0 ) 
        #               printf( "%d not in sorted A\n", v );
        #       else 
        #               printf( "Sorted A[%d] = %d\n", element_index, v );
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not modify the exit
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  addi $v0, $0, 10                      # system call (10) exits the progra
  syscall                               # exit the program


Expert Solution

Please up vote ,comment if any query . Thanks for Question . Be safe .

Note : check attached image for output .code compiled and tested in MARS MIPS simulator .

Program :


A:                      .space        80       # create integer array with 20 elements ( A[20] )
size_prompt:            .asciiz         "Enter array size [between 1 and 20]: "
array_prompt:           .asciiz         "A["
sorted_array_prompt:    .asciiz         "Sorted A["
close_bracket:          .asciiz         "] = "
search_prompt:          .asciiz    "Enter search value: "
not_found:              .asciiz    " not in sorted A"
newline:                .asciiz         "\n"  


        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Do not modify
        la $s0, A                       # store address of array A in $s0

        add $s1, $0, $0                 # create variable "size" ($s1) and set to 0
        add $s2, $0, $0                 # create search variable "v" ($s2) and set to 0
        add $t0, $0, $0                 # create variable "i" ($t0) and set to 0

        addi $v0, $0, 4                 # system call (4) to print string
        la $a0, size_prompt             # put string memory address in register $a0
        syscall                         # print string

        addi $v0, $0, 5                 # system call (5) to get integer from user and store in register $v0
        syscall                         # get user input for variable "size"
        add $s1, $0, $v0                # copy to register $s1, b/c we'll reuse $v0

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        slt $t1, $t0, $s1               # if( i < size ) $t1 = 1 (true), else $t1 = 0 (false)
        beq $t1, $0, end_prompt_loop   
        sll $t2, $t0, 2                 # multiply i * 4 (4-byte word offset)
        addi $v0, $0, 4                 # print "A["
        la $a0, array_prompt                  
        addi $v0, $0, 1                 # print value of i (in base-10)
        add $a0, $0, $t0                      
        addi $v0, $0, 4                 # print "] = "
        la $a0, close_bracket         
        addi $v0, $0, 5                 # get input from user and store in $v0
        add $t3, $s0, $t2               # A[i] = address of A + ( i * 4 )
        sw $v0, 0($t3)                  # A[i] = $v0
        addi $t0, $t0, 1                # i = i + 1
        j prompt_loop                   # jump to beginning of loop
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  

#starting of bubble sort
       li $t0,0 #loop index i=0
       la $s0,A #load address of array in $s0
       firstForLoop: #outer side loop
           bge $t0,$s1,endOfBubbleSort #if i greater than or equal to size go to endOfbubblesort label
               addi $s3,$s0,0 #load address in $s3 from $s0
               li $t1,0 #loop index j=0 inner loop
               addi $t2,$s1,-1 #size -1 in $t2
               sub $t2,$t2,$t0 #sub size-1-i

           secondForLoop:#inner loop
               bge $t1,$t2,secondForLoopEnd #while $t1<$t2 else go to secondLoopEnd
               lw $t3,0($s3) #load A[j] into $t3
               lw $t4,4($s3)   #load A[j+1] into $t4
                                #if A[j] <= A[4] go to no need to swap
               ble $t3,$t4,skip #else swap
                   sw $t4,0($s3) #store $t4 at A[j]
                        sw $t3,4($s3) #store $t3 at A[j+1]
               addi $t1,$t1,1 #increment j by 1
               addi $s3,$s3,4 #point to next element of Array
               j secondForLoop #jump to secondForLoop inner loop
           secondForLoopEnd: #if inner loop completes increment i and jump to outer loop
               addi $t0,$t0,1
               j firstForLoop
       #end of bubble sort

        addi $v0, $0, 4                 # print "Enter search value: "
        la $a0, search_prompt                 
        addi $v0, $0, 5                 # system call (5) to get integer from user and store in register $v0
        syscall                         # get user input for variable "v"
        add $s2, $0, $v0                # copy to register $s2, b/c we'll reuse $v0
        #binary search start from here
      la $s0,A #address of array A in $s0
      li $t0,0 #left
      addi $t1,$s1,-1 #size-1 into right
      li $t2,0 #middle
      li $t3,-1 #element index
   searchLoop: #loop till left<=right
              bgt $t0,$t1,endOfSearch #if left>right go to endOfSearch
                 sub $t2,$t1,$t0 #$t2=middle = right-left
                 div $t2,$t2,2   #t2=middle =( right-left)/2
                 add $t2,$t2,$t0 #t2=middle = left($t0)+ ( right-left)/2
                 mul $t4,$t2,4       #multiply $t4= $t2*4 to go to element addres
                 add $t4,$t4,$s0 #address of current element A[0] + $t4 = address of middle

                 lw $t5,0($t4) #A[middle] = $t5
          bne $t5,$s2,skipSearch #if $t5!=$t4(v) skip search
          addi $t3,$t2,0 #else if equal elementindex = middle= $t3
                j endOfSearch #go to endOfSearch element found
              skipSearch: #if not found
                    blt $t5,$s2,lessValue #A[middle]<v go to less value
                     addi $t1,$t2,-1 #if greater right=middle-1 = $t1=$t2-1
                     j searchLoop       #jump to search loop
                 lessValue: #A[middle]<v
                     addi $t0,$t2,1 #left=middle+1 $t0=$t2+1
                     j searchLoop #jump to search loop
               #if elementIndex<0 element not found go to notSorted label
               blt $t3,0,notSorted #else here
                   #print sorted A[
                        la $a0,sorted_array_prompt
                        li $v0,4
                        #print element index
                        addi $a0,$t3,0
                        li $v0,1
                        #print close bracket
                        la $a0,close_bracket
                        li $v0,4
                          #print value of v in $s2
                         addi $a0,$s2,0
                         li $v0,1
                         #print new line
                         la $a0,newline
                         li $v0,4
                         j exit #jump to exit
                       #print v
                       li $v0,1
                       addi $a0,$s2,0
                       #print not found string
                       la $a0,not_found
                       li $v0,4
                       #print new line
                       la $a0,newline
                       li $v0,4
       #terminate program
       li $v0,10

Output 1 :

Output : 2

Memory Layout :

Please up vote ,comment if any query . Thanks for Question . Be safe .

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