
In: Computer Science

Write a JAVA program which prints the root node after the "remove" procedure the the splay...

Write a JAVA program which prints the root node after the "remove" procedure the the splay tree.


Expert Solution



// An AVL tree node

struct node


int key;

struct node *left, *right;


/* Helper function that allocates a new node with the given key and

NULL left and right pointers. */

struct node* newNode(int key)


struct node* node = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

node->key = key;

node->left = node->right = NULL;

return (node);


// A utility function to right rotate subtree rooted with y

// See the diagram given above.

struct node *rightRotate(struct node *x)


struct node *y = x->left;

x->left = y->right;

y->right = x;

return y;


// A utility function to left rotate subtree rooted with x

// See the diagram given above.

struct node *leftRotate(struct node *x)


struct node *y = x->right;

x->right = y->left;

y->left = x;

return y;


// This function brings the key at root if key is present in tree.

// If key is not present, then it brings the last accessed item at

// root. This function modifies the tree and returns the new root

struct node *splay(struct node *root, int key)


// Base cases: root is NULL or key is present at root

if (root == NULL || root->key == key)

return root;

// Key lies in left subtree

if (root->key > key)


// Key is not in tree, we are done

if (root->left == NULL) return root;

// Zig-Zig (Left Left)

if (root->left->key > key)


// First recursively bring the key as root of left-left

root->left->left = splay(root->left->left, key);

// Do first rotation for root, second rotation is  

// done after else

root = rightRotate(root);


else if (root->left->key < key) // Zig-Zag (Left Right)


// First recursively bring the key as root of left-right

root->left->right = splay(root->left->right, key);

// Do first rotation for root->left

if (root->left->right != NULL)

root->left = leftRotate(root->left);


// Do second rotation for root

return (root->left == NULL)? root: rightRotate(root);


else // Key lies in right subtree


// Key is not in tree, we are done

if (root->right == NULL) return root;

// Zag-Zig (Right Left)

if (root->right->key > key)


// Bring the key as root of right-left

root->right->left = splay(root->right->left, key);

// Do first rotation for root->right

if (root->right->left != NULL)

root->right = rightRotate(root->right);


else if (root->right->key < key)// Zag-Zag (Right Right)


// Bring the key as root of right-right and do  

// first rotation

root->right->right = splay(root->right->right, key);

root = leftRotate(root);


// Do second rotation for root

return (root->right == NULL)? root: leftRotate(root);



// The delete function for Splay tree. Note that this function

// returns the new root of Splay Tree after removing the key  

struct node* delete_key(struct node *root, int key)


struct node *temp;

if (!root)

return NULL;


// Splay the given key

root = splay(root, key);


// If key is not present, then

// return root

if (key != root->key)

return root;


// If key is present

// If left child of root does not exist

// make root->right as root   

if (!root->left)


temp = root;

root = root->right;



// Else if left child exits



temp = root;


/*Note: Since key == root->key,

so after Splay(key, root->lchild),

the tree we get will have no right child tree

and maximum node in left subtree will get splayed*/

// New root

root = splay(root->left, key);


// Make right child of previous root as

// new root's right child

root->right = temp->right;



// free the previous root node, that is,

// the node containing the key



// return root of the new Splay Tree

return root;



// A utility function to print preorder traversal of the tree.

// The function also prints height of every node

void preOrder(struct node *root)


if (root != NULL)


printf("%d ", root->key);





/* Driver program to test above function*/

int main()


// Splay Tree Formation

struct node *root = newNode(6);

root->left = newNode(1);

root->right = newNode(9);

root->left->right = newNode(4);

root->left->right->left = newNode(2);

root->right->left = newNode(7);

int key = 4;

root = delete_key(root, key);

printf("Preorder traversal of the modified Splay tree is \n");


return 0;


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