
In: Finance

You are concerned that Trump administration tariffs on China’s exports will provoke further retaliatory tariffs, and...

You are concerned that Trump administration tariffs on China’s exports will provoke further retaliatory tariffs, and may spur a trade war. You want to bet on this price change using a vertical bear spread. Use the calls below on November 2018 Soybean Futures below to bet on lower prices and reduce the risk of loss. • Call with a strike price of $10.40 and a premium of $0.45 • Call with a strike price of $12.40 and a premium of $0.16

a) Explain the position you would take and calculate your maximum loss and maximum profit.

b) Draw the payoff diagram for the vertical spread.


Expert Solution

In this example, C = Call premium, S = Spot price on expiration, K = Strike Price

Vertical bear spread will be achieved by:

  • Selling a call with a lower strike price and
  • Buying a call with a higher strike price

Part (a)

In our case, the vertical bear spread will be achieved by:

  • Selling the Call with a strike price of $10.40 and a premium of $0.45: Resultant gain / (loss) = C - max (S - K, 0) = 0.45 - max (S - 10.40, 0)
  • And buying the Call with a strike price of $12.40 and a premium of $0.16: Resultant gain / (loss) = max (S - K, 0) - C = max (S - 12.40, 0) - 0.16

Resultant Gain / (Loss) from vertical spread

= 0.45 - max (S - 10.40, 0) + max (S - 12.40, 0) - 0.16

= 0.29 - max (S - 10.40, 0) + max (S - 12.40, 0)

Maximum gain = Call premium received on selling the call - Call premium paid on buying the other call = 0.45 - 0.16 = $ 0.29

Maximum loss will occur at any spot price S > 12.40.

Hence, maximum loss = 0.29 - max (S - 10.40, 0) + max (S - 12.40, 0 )

Since, S > 12.40 hence, max (S - 10.40, 0) = S - 10.40 and max (S - 12.40, 0) = S - 12.40

Hence, maximum loss = 0.29 - (S - 10.40) + (S - 12.40) = 0.29 + 10.40 - 12.40 = - $ 1.71

Part (b)

Resultant Gain / (Loss) matrix will be:

S Gain / (Loss)
0.29 - max (S - 10.40, 0) + max (S - 12.40, 0)
    8.00                                  0.29
    9.00                                  0.29
10.00                                  0.29
10.69                                  0.00
11.00                                 (0.31)
12.00                                 (1.31)
13.00                                 (1.71)
14.00                                 (1.71)
15.00                                 (1.71)
16.00                                 (1.71)

And the gain / (loss) diagram will be:

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