
In: Psychology

Explain and describe how the thought processes used by young adults differ from the thought processes...

Explain and describe how the thought processes used by young adults differ from the thought processes that adolescents use.

Your response should be 5 paragraphs in length. Be mindful of using proper grammar and spelling. Please be specific in your example.


Expert Solution

Adolescence is the period of life between the age of 10 to 19 years of age . this the age where special care for health and development needs. Youth is the age betwwen 15 and 24 where the youth will have have lot of planning for the life.

.Adolescence is the age to develop knowledge and skills and manage emotions and relationships and attribute their skiils and abilities and enjoy their adolescence age.Youth is the age tries to build their career with the knowledge they gained at the adolescence age.

Adolescence is the age where they the help and support of the family and totally depends on the parents for their livelihood. Youth need not depend on the family and they have full rights on their decisions to take.

Mostly the biological changes takes place at the adolescence age. Especially for girls their will be maturity stage and growing stage where their will be lot of changes in the body, even psychological changes happen for girls at this age. Boys their will be drastic change in the body growth, beard and moustache starts to grow.

Adolescence is the age where much maturity has not taken place which leads to attraction and hallucination. they really dont take life much serious.. Youth is the age where much seriousnees is neede where their life of future starts. they start thinking of the future..

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