
In: Computer Science

Using C# Create a class named Inches To Feet. Its Main()method holds an integer variable named...

Using C#

Create a class named Inches To Feet. Its Main()method holds an integer variable named inches to which you will assign a value. Create a method to which you pass inches. The method displays inches in feet and inches. For example, 67 inches is 5 feet 7 inches.


Expert Solution


using System;
class inches
    static void InchesToFeet(int inch)
        int feet,remainInch;
        feet=inch/12;     //feets calculation
        remainInch=inch%12;   //remaing Inches after feet
         Console.WriteLine(inch+" inches is:"+feet+" Feet "+remainInch+" inches"); //printing inches in feet and inches
static void Main()
      int inches;
      Console.WriteLine("Enter the inches to convert into feet:");   //input the inches from user
      InchesToFeet(inches); //calling InchesToFeet function


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