
In: Math

South Shore Construction builds permanent docks and seawalls along the southern shore of long island, new...

South Shore Construction builds permanent docks and seawalls along the southern shore of long island, new york. Although the firm has been in business for only five years, revenue has increased from $320,000 in the first year of operation to $1,116,000 in the most recent year. The following data show the quarterly sales revenue in thousands of dollars:

Quarter Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
1 23 59 76 92 184
2 103 158 156 202 290
3 178 267 327 384 453
4 16 48 49 82


a. Use Excel Solver to find the coefficients of a multiple regression model with dummy variables as follows to develop an equation to account for seasonal effects in the data. Qtr1 = 1 if Quarter 1, 0 otherwise; Qtr2 = 1 if Quarter 2, 0 otherwise; Qtr3 = 1 if Quarter 3, 0 otherwise. Round your answers to two decimal places.

Ft = _ + _Qtr1 + _Qtr2 + _Qtr3

b. Let Period = 1 to refer to the observation in Quarter 1 of year 1; Period = 2 to refer to the observation in Quarter 2 of year 1; . . . and Period = 20 to refer to the observation in Quarter 4 of year 5. Using the dummy variables defined in part (b) and Period, develop an equation to account for seasonal effects and any linear trend in the time series using Excel Solver. Round your answers to two decimal places. If your answer is negative value enter minus sign.

Ft = _ + _Qtr1 + _Qtr2 + _Qtr3 + _Period

Based upon the seasonal effects in the data and linear trend, compute estimates of quarterly sales for year 6. Round your answers to one decimal place.

Quarter 1 forecast =

Quarter 2 forecast =

Quarter 3 forecast =

Quarter 4 forecast =


Expert Solution

(first part) the estimated model is given as Ft = 76.8 + 10*Qtr1 + 105*Qtr2 + 245*Qtr3

Quarter 1 forecast =76.8 + 10*1 + 105*0 + 245*0 =86.8

Quarter 2 forecast =76.8 + 10*0 + 105*1 + 245*0=181.8

Quarter 3 forecast =76.8 + 10*0 + 105*0 + 245*1=321.8

Quarter 4 forecast =76.8 + 10*0 + 105*0+ 245*0=76.8

following information has been generated using ms-excel

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.816746
R Square 0.667075
Adjusted R Square 0.604651
Standard Error 77.74043
Observations 20
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 3 193750 64583.33 10.68628 0.000423
Residual 16 96697.2 6043.575
Total 19 290447.2
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%
Intercept 76.8 34.76658 2.209018 0.042103 3.098146 150.5019
Q1 10 49.16737 0.203387 0.841397 -94.2302 114.2302
Q2 105 49.16737 2.135563 0.048521 0.769838 209.2302
Q3 245 49.16737 4.98298 0.000135 140.7698 349.2302

(second part)  he estimated model is given as Ft = -59.7+44.125*Qtr1+127.75*Qtr2+256.375*Qtr3 +11.375*Period

Quarter 1 forecast =-59.7+44.125*1+127.75*0+256.375*0+11.375*21=223.3

Quarter 2 forecast =-59.7+44.125*0+127.75*1+256.375*0+11.375*22=318.3

Quarter 3 forecast =-59.7+44.125*0+127.75*0+256.375*1+11.375*23=458.3

Quarter 4 forecast =-59.7+44.125*0+127.75*0+256.375*0+11.375*24=213.3

following information has been generated using ms-excel

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.975801
R Square 0.952187
Adjusted R Square 0.939437
Standard Error 30.42718
Observations 20
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 4 276560 69140 74.68028 1.02E-09
Residual 15 13887.2 925.8133
Total 19 290447.2
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%
Intercept -59.7 19.8361 -3.00966 0.008798 -101.98 -17.4204
Q1 44.125 19.57919 2.253669 0.039608 2.39295 85.85705
Q2 127.75 19.3936 6.587225 8.62E-06 86.41352 169.0865
Q3 256.375 19.28139 13.2965 1.05E-09 215.2777 297.4723
t 11.375 1.20274 9.457572 1.04E-07 8.811421 13.93858

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