In: Chemistry
Find the Gibbs free energy for G(T,P) for an ideal gas with constant cv.
Consider a system in contact with a resrvior at temprature T. For two equlibrium states at the same temprature T
where Q is the amount of heat gained by the system.
or Q</TdeltaS - Equation 1
By the 1st law of thermodynamics,
Q= U2-U1+W
W</F1-F2 - equation 2
where, F= U-TS called Helmholtz free energy.
Thus,the Helmholtz free energy decrease in an upper limit to the maximum work that may be done in the system.
We can consider W as a sum of pdV work and non - pdV work which is denoted by Wpv & Wnon-pv respectively.
At constant volume Cv
Wnon-pV</F1-F2 - equation 3
(F1-F2) sets an upper limit to the non-pdV work. if it is omly pdv work, then F1-F2>/0 or F1>/F2
Helmholtz free energy always decreased or remains constant in a system constant temorature and constant volume.
At constant pressure
Wnon-pV</G1-G2 - equqtion 4
where, G= U-TS+pV is called the Gibbs free energy.
For an isolated system,the entropy always increases or remains constant