
In: Computer Science

Below is for C language typedef struct _node { Node *next; char *str; } Node; You...

Below is for C language

typedef struct _node {

Node *next;

char *str;

} Node;

You are given a function that takes in two Node* pointers to two different linked lists. Each linked list node has a string represented by a character array that is properly null terminated. You're function is supposed to return true if the concatenation of strings in a linked list match each other, else return false.


List 1: "h" -> "el" -> "l" -> "o" -> NULL

List 2: "he" -> "llo" -> NULL

Return: True

List 1: "je" -> "lc -> "l" -> "o" -> NULL

List 2: "h" -> "e" -> "ll" -> "" -> "o" -> NULL

Return: False

List 1: “e” -> “llo” -> “h” -> NULL

List 2: “h” -> “e” -> “l” -> “l” -> “o” -> NULL

Return: False

bool areListsMatching(Node *list1, Node *list2) {

// TODO: Fill this



Expert Solution

// below is c code





struct Node


  char ch[30];

  struct Node *next;


struct Node* newNode(char ch[])


  struct Node *temp = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

char a[30];

  int i=0;





  temp->next = NULL;

  return temp;


bool areListsMatching(struct Node *llist1, struct Node *llist2)


struct Node *temp1=llist1 ;

struct Node *temp2=llist2;

char str1[200];

char str2[200];













return true;


return false;


int main()


  struct Node *llist1 = newNode("h");

  llist1->next = newNode("el");

  llist1->next->next = newNode("l");

  llist1->next->next->next = newNode("o");


  struct Node *llist2 = newNode("h");

  llist2->next = newNode("e");

  llist2->next->next = newNode("l");

  llist2->next->next->next = newNode("l");

  llist2->next->next->next->next = newNode("o");


  printf("%d",areListsMatching(llist1, llist2));

  return 0;



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