
In: Advanced Math

Write a MATLAB code for discrete least squares trigonometric polynomial S3(x), using m = 4 for...

Write a MATLAB code for discrete least squares trigonometric polynomial S3(x), using m = 4 for f(x) = e^x * cos(2x) on the interval [-pi, pi]. Compute the error E(S3).


Expert Solution

%%Matlab code for least square trigonometric polynomial
clear all
close all

%function for actual data
fun1=@(x) exp(x).*cos(2*x);
%function for trigonometric least square
fun2=@(x,a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8) a0+a1.*cos(x)+a2.*sin(x)+a3.*cos(2*x)+a4.*sin(2*x)+a5.*cos(3*x)+a6.*sin(3*x)+a7.*cos(4*x)+a8.*sin(4*x);

%all data points
%plotting actual data

%creating matrix for least square
for i=1:length(xx)
%least square solution

fprintf('The coefficients are for least square solution\n')
for i=1:9
    fprintf('\t a%d=%f\n',i-1,cc(i))

%fitted data
hold on
legend('Actual data','fitted data','location','best')
fprintf('Error in Trigonometric least square solution is %f\n', norm(yy-yy1))
box on
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End of Code %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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