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Matlab code problems I have to write a code using functions to find out if a...

Matlab code problems

I have to write a code using functions to find out if a year is a leap year. I'm on the write track i feel like but I keep getting an error message and matlab isnt helping to troubleshoot. The issue is on line 30. Here is my code:

function project_7_mfp()
%   PROJECT_7_ABC   project_7_abc() creates a function that prompts the user
%   enter a year after 1582 It then determines if it is a leap year
%   Name:
%   Date:
%   Class: CMPSC 200

   %   Print the splash screen using a printHeader() function
   % Prompt the user for the single data input for the program. This
   %   is the year. You will need to write a local function called getDataRange().
   %   Then call it here. The function will return a single input. The
   %   getDataRange function must error check the input to be sure that is at
   %   least 1582 when the Gregorian calenday was enacted.
   global debug
debug = 0;
   getDataRange('Enter the year: ', 1582, inf);
   fprintf('You entered %f\n', year);

%   Call isLeapYear(year) to check if the year is a leap year.
   %   Use printResults to print if the year is a leap year or not
printResults(year, leap)


function getDataRange(prompt, a, b)
%   GETDATARANGE   getDataRange(prompt, a, b) is a wrapper function to enter
%   and error check that input. prompt is a variable storing the prompt to be
%   printed. a and b are the minimum and maximum values for the error checking
%   Name:      
%   Class:       CMPSC 200
%   Date:      
global debug

   year = input(prompt);
fprintf('Calling the selection to check if the value is within range\n');
%error check
if ((year < a) || (year > b))
fprintf('The value is out of range so throw an exception and exit\n');
error('Entered value, %f, is outside of the range of %f to %f', year, a, b);
if (mod(year,1) ~=0)

   error('Entered value, %f, is not an integer', year);

function leap = isLeapYear(year)
%   ISLEAPYEAR   isLeapYear(year) checks the input to determine if it is a leap
%   year. If it is, the function returns 1. If it is not it returns 0
%   Name:      
%   Class:       CMPSC 200
%   Date:      

   if (mod(year,400)==0)
leap = 1;

elseif (mod(year,100)==0)
leap = 0;
elseif (mod(year,4)==0)
leap = 1;
leap = 1;

function printResults(year, leap)
%   PRINTRESULTS   printResults(year, leap) prints a statement indicating
%   if the year is a leap year or if it is not.
%   Name:      
%   Class:       CMPSC 200
%   Date:      
   if leap == 1
fprintf('%f is a leap year', year);
elseif leap == 0
fprintf('%f is not a leap year', year);


Expert Solution

So, total there are few changes that you need to do so as to remove error.

1. In project_7_mfp: You need to modify line 22 such that

year = getDataRange('Enter the year: ', 1582, inf);

And in getDataRange function modify line 1 as:

function year = getDataRange(prompt, a, b)

This will pass value of year user will type from getDataRange function to project_7_mfp function.

2. Modify line 30 to:

leap = isLeapYear(year);

This will pass value of leap from isLeapYear function to project_7_mfp function.

3. Finally, there is logical error in function isLeapYear. In line 20 of this function where inside else condition leap = 1, change it to leap =1 because when year is not divisible by 4, it is not a leap year.


function project_7_mfp()
% PROJECT_7_ABC project_7_abc() creates a function that prompts the user
% enter a year after 1582 It then determines if it is a leap year
% Name:
% Date:
% Class: CMPSC 200

% Print the splash screen using a printHeader() function
% Prompt the user for the single data input for the program. This
% is the year. You will need to write a local function called getDataRange().
% Then call it here. The function will return a single input. The
% getDataRange function must error check the input to be sure that is at
% least 1582 when the Gregorian calenday was enacted.
global debug
debug = 0;
year = getDataRange('Enter the year: ', 1582, inf);
fprintf('You entered %f\n', year);

% Call isLeapYear(year) to check if the year is a leap year.
leap = isLeapYear(year);
% Use printResults to print if the year is a leap year or not
printResults(year, leap)


function year = getDataRange(prompt, a, b)
% GETDATARANGE getDataRange(prompt, a, b) is a wrapper function to enter
% and error check that input. prompt is a variable storing the prompt to be
% printed. a and b are the minimum and maximum values for the error checking
% Name:
% Class: CMPSC 200
% Date:
global debug

year = input(prompt);
fprintf('Calling the selection to check if the value is within range\n');
%error check
if ((year < a) || (year > b))
fprintf('The value is out of range so throw an exception and exit\n');
error('Entered value, %f, is outside of the range of %f to %f', year, a, b);
if (mod(year,1) ~=0)

error('Entered value, %f, is not an integer', year);

function leap = isLeapYear(year)
% ISLEAPYEAR isLeapYear(year) checks the input to determine if it is a leap
% year. If it is, the function returns 1. If it is not it returns 0
% Name:
% Class: CMPSC 200
% Date:
if (mod(year,400)==0)
leap = 1;

elseif (mod(year,100)==0)
leap = 0;
elseif (mod(year,4)==0)
leap = 1;
leap = 0;


function printResults(year, leap)
% PRINTRESULTS printResults(year, leap) prints a statement indicating
% if the year is a leap year or if it is not.
% Name:
% Class: CMPSC 200
% Date:
if leap == 1
fprintf('%f is a leap year', year);
elseif leap == 0
fprintf('%f is not a leap year', year);

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