In: Economics
In 2000 Nokia wanted to enable knowledge management
and learning alternatives across its whole value chain - Suppliers
(Busines-2-Business B2B), Customers (Business-2-Customers B2C) and
Employees (Business-2-Employees B2E). This perspective would allow
Nokia to deliver understanding how to over 200 million people.
Enabling suppliers, customers, and employees easy, collaborative
and timely access to essential and valuable information about
Nokia's products and services, would increase production,
commercial awareness and improved dedication from its value string
through upgraded services, products, tools and information.
Knowledge Management System in Nokia is divided into 3 levels:
Individual level, Group level and Organizational level. Knowledge
Architecture in Nokia practices Nonaka's model. You can find four
ways to capture Knowledge: tacit to tacit communication
(socialization), tacit to explicit communication (externalization),
explicit to tacit communication (internalization), explicit to
explicit communication (combination).
One of the primary Knowledge Management enabler is Nokia Research
Centre (NRC), which is implemented for exploring new frontiers for
freedom, solving scientific issues to convert the converging
Internet and marketing communications establishments. Another
enabler, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Nokia uses CRM to
extend the usage of vital customer information to the mobile
workforce, ensuring they have got the required resources, when and
where they want them. Also Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a KM
enabler, Nokia has integrated an operating model by using SCM to
accomplish one with their central strategies, which is to add
new-product speedily that reflect consumers' fast-changing mobile
phone tastes to ensure an industry advantage which emphasize
rapid-response processing, quick-ship logistics, and a "global
resource web" that links back to you Nokia's crops and suppliers.
There are many companies became Kilometers enablers for Nokia to
achieve their Kilometers goals. They may be Liquid Air Laboratory
GmbH, Psiloc, Kuneri Ltd. , Citrix Systems, Inc. , DiVitas Systems,
Mobien Systems Private Limited, Oracle Corp., Sam Click Ltd.,
iGuanaMobile Sdn Bhd, SYSOPENDIGIA plc, Openbit Ltd. , Secure
Digital Box AG.
In spite of the scientific possibilities and an increased volume of
computer engineers and information systems professionals, Nokia
continue steadily to face serious knowledge management problems,
due to the insufficient interdisciplinary knowledge required for an
integrated method of the complex information activities involved
with every part of work and doing business. As Nokia runs globally,
they cannot fully understand the information trends and the
implications of the global information societies and information
fads. To overcome this issue Nokia is spending abundant money on
expensive technology and tools that are not exploited to the higher
benefit of the organization. Nokia, regardless of the socioeconomic
and politics systems in which they operate, need large numbers of
information. That is especially true for those in transitional
economies. Hence Nokia is suffering from inefficient and inadequate
supervision and exploitation of these information resources.
1. What was Nokia’s strategy behind implementing a KM system? (20
2. What are the main features of Nokia’s KM system? (20
3. Explain the main enablers of KM system at Nokia. (30
4. Explain the main challenges encountering Nokia’s KM systems. (30
1. The main purpose of implementation of KM system was to provide collaborative and timely access to valuable information about its products and services to its large number of stakeholders including customers, suppliers, employees. This would result in increased production, awareness and improved dedication.
2.Main features are
3. Enablers are as follows: