
In: Computer Science

Extend the custom unorderedLinkedList class by adding the following operation: Find and delete the node with...

Extend the custom unorderedLinkedList class by adding the following operation:

Find and delete the node with the smallest info in the list. Delete only the first occurrence and traverse the list only once.

The function's prototype is deleteSmallest()

use this code

#include <ctime>

#include <iostream>

#include <random>

#include "unorderedLinkedList.h"

using namespace std;

int main()


default_random_engine e(1918);

uniform_int_distribution<int> u(10, 99);

int size = 12;

unorderedLinkedList ul;

while (ul.getnelts() < size)


int elt = u(e);

ul.append(elt);; cout << endl;


while (!ul.isEmpty())


int elt = u(e);

if (ul.delelt(elt))


cout << endl;



return 0;                   


#pragma once

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class unorderedLinkedList



struct nodeType


int info;

nodeType* link;








bool isEmpty();


int find(int value);

int getnelts();

bool getelt(int where, int& elt);

bool member(int value);


bool append(int elt);

bool delelt(int elt);

bool delat(int where);

bool insat(int where, int elt);

bool putelt(int where, int elt);

void copy(const unorderedLinkedList& original);

void show(ostream& sout = cout);


void kill();

int size;

nodeType* head;




size = 0;

head = nullptr;






bool unorderedLinkedList::isEmpty()


return size == 0;


int unorderedLinkedList::find(int elt)


int where = 0;

nodeType* node = head;

while (node != nullptr && node->info != elt)


node = node->link;



if (where == size)

return -1;


return where;


int unorderedLinkedList::getnelts()


return size;


bool unorderedLinkedList::getelt(int where, int& elt)


if (where < 0 || size <= where)

return false;

nodeType* node = head;

while (where > 0)



node = node->link;


elt = node->info;

return true;


bool unorderedLinkedList::member(int value)


int where = find(value);

return where != -1;


bool unorderedLinkedList::append(int elt)


return insat(size, elt);


bool unorderedLinkedList::delelt(int elt)


int where = find(elt);

if (where == -1)

return false;


return delat(where);


bool unorderedLinkedList::delat(int where)


if (where < 0 || size <= where)

return false;

nodeType* curr = head;

nodeType* pred = nullptr;

while (where > 0)


pred = curr;

curr = curr->link;



nodeType* temp = curr;

if (pred == nullptr)

head = curr->link;


pred->link = curr->link;

delete temp;


return true;


bool unorderedLinkedList::insat(int where, int elt)


if (where < 0 || size < where)

return false;

nodeType* node = new nodeType;

node->info = elt;

nodeType* curr = head;

nodeType* pred = nullptr;

while (where > 0)


pred = curr;

curr = curr->link;



if (pred == nullptr)


node->link = head;

head = node;




node->link = curr;

pred->link = node;



return true;


bool unorderedLinkedList::putelt(int where, int elt)


if (where < 0 || size <= where)

return false;

nodeType* curr = head;

while (where > 0)


curr = curr->link;



curr->info = elt;

return true;


void unorderedLinkedList::copy(const unorderedLinkedList& original)


if (this != &original)



size = original.size;

head = new nodeType;

head->info = original.head->info;

head->link = nullptr;

nodeType* tcurr = head;

nodeType* ocurr = original.head->link;

while (ocurr->link != nullptr)


nodeType* newnode = new nodeType;

newnode->info = ocurr->info;

newnode->link = nullptr;

tcurr->link = newnode;

tcurr = newnode;

ocurr = ocurr->link;




void unorderedLinkedList::show(ostream& sout)


nodeType* node = head;

while (node != nullptr)


sout << node->info << ' ';

node = node->link;



void unorderedLinkedList::kill()


nodeType* temp = nullptr;

nodeType* curr = head;

for (int k = 1; k <= size; ++k)


temp = curr;

curr = curr->link;

delete temp;


head = nullptr;

size = 0;


#include <ctime>

#include <iostream>

#include <random>

#include "unorderedLinkedList.h"

using namespace std;

int main()


int size = 12;

default_random_engine e(1918);

uniform_int_distribution<int> uelt(10, 99);

uniform_int_distribution<int> uidx(-size + 1, size - 1);

unorderedLinkedList ul;

while (ul.getnelts() < size)


int elt = uelt(e);

ul.append(elt);; cout << endl;


while (!ul.isEmpty())


int elt = uelt(e);

if (ul.delelt(elt))


cout << endl;





while (ul.getnelts() < size)


int idx = uidx(e);

int elt = uelt(e);

if (ul.insat(idx, elt))

{; cout << endl;



while (!ul.isEmpty())


int idx = uidx(e);

if (ul.delat(idx))


cout << endl;




return 0;


#pragma once

#include <algorithm>

#include <iterator>

#include <list>

using namespace std;

class unorderedLinkedList: public list<int>




bool isEmpty();


int find(int elt);

int getnelts();

bool getelt(int widx, int& elt);

bool member(int elt);


bool append(int elt);

bool delelt(int elt);

bool delat(int widx);

bool insat(int widx, int elt);

bool putelt(int widx, int elt);

void copy(const unorderedLinkedList& original);

void show(ostream& sout = cout);



bool unorderedLinkedList::isEmpty()


return size() == 0;


int unorderedLinkedList::find(int elt)


list<int>::iterator wit = ::find(begin(), end(), elt);

if (wit == end())

return -1;


return distance(begin(), wit);


int unorderedLinkedList::getnelts()


return size();


bool unorderedLinkedList::getelt(int widx, int& elt)


if (widx < 0 || size() <= widx)

return false;



list<int>::iterator wit = begin();

advance(wit, widx);

elt = *wit;

return true;



bool unorderedLinkedList::member(int elt)


return find(elt) != -1;


bool unorderedLinkedList::append(int elt)


return insat(size(), elt);


bool unorderedLinkedList::delelt(int elt)


list<int>::iterator wit = ::find(begin(), end(), elt);

if (wit == end())

return false;




return true;



bool unorderedLinkedList::delat(int widx)


if (widx < 0 || size() <= widx)

return false;



list<int>::iterator wit = begin();

advance(wit, widx);


return true;



bool unorderedLinkedList::insat(int widx, int elt)


if (widx < 0 || size() < widx)

return false;

else if (widx == size())



return true;




list<int>::iterator wit = begin();

advance(wit, widx);

insert(wit, elt);

return true;



bool unorderedLinkedList::putelt(int widx, int elt)


if (widx < 0 || size() <= widx)

return false;



list<int>::iterator wit = begin();

advance(wit, widx);

*wit = elt;

return true;



void unorderedLinkedList::copy(const unorderedLinkedList& original)


if (this != &original)


erase(begin(), end());

::copy(original.begin(), original.end(), begin());



void unorderedLinkedList::show(ostream& sout)


::copy(begin(), end(), ostream_iterator<int>(sout, " "));



Expert Solution

I have added the deleteSmallest() in unorderedLinkedList class . Please go through it and let me know if you have any doubt about it.

#include <ctime>

#include <iostream>

#include <random>

#include "unorderedLinkedList.h"

using namespace std;

int main()


default_random_engine e(1918);

uniform_int_distribution<int> u(10, 99);

int size = 12;

unorderedLinkedList ul;

while (ul.getnelts() < size)


int elt = u(e);

ul.append(elt);; cout << endl;


while (!ul.isEmpty())


int elt = u(e);

if (ul.delelt(elt))


cout << endl;



return 0;                   


#pragma once

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class unorderedLinkedList



struct nodeType


int info;

nodeType* link;








bool isEmpty();


int find(int value);

int getnelts();

bool getelt(int where, int& elt);

bool member(int value);


bool append(int elt);

bool delelt(int elt);

bool delat(int where);

bool insat(int where, int elt);

bool putelt(int where, int elt);

void copy(const unorderedLinkedList& original);

void show(ostream& sout = cout);

//Find and delete the node with the smallest info in the list. Delete only the first occurrence and traverse the list only once. 
void deleteSmallest();


void kill();

int size;

nodeType* head;




size = 0;

head = nullptr;






bool unorderedLinkedList::isEmpty()


return size == 0;


//newly added method 

void unorderedLinkedList::deleteSmallest(){
    nodeType *currentNode = head ;
    if(currentNode == NULL) 
     return ;
    int min = INT_MAX ; 
    while(currentNode !=NULL){
        if(currentNode->info <min){
            min = currentNode->info ;
        currentNode = currentNode->link ; 
    nodeType *tempCurrent = head ;
    nodeType *tempNext ;
    int minElement = min ;
    if(tempNode->info == minElement){
        tempNode = tempNode->next ;
        head = tempNode ; 
    while(tempNode !=NULL){
        if(tempNode->info== minElement){
            tempNode->info = tempNode->link->info;
            tempNode->link = temp->link->link;
        tempNode = tempNode->link ;

int unorderedLinkedList::find(int elt)


int where = 0;

nodeType* node = head;

while (node != nullptr && node->info != elt)


node = node->link;



if (where == size)

return -1;


return where;


int unorderedLinkedList::getnelts()


return size;


bool unorderedLinkedList::getelt(int where, int& elt)


if (where < 0 || size <= where)

return false;

nodeType* node = head;

while (where > 0)



node = node->link;


elt = node->info;

return true;


bool unorderedLinkedList::member(int value)


int where = find(value);

return where != -1;


bool unorderedLinkedList::append(int elt)


return insat(size, elt);


bool unorderedLinkedList::delelt(int elt)


int where = find(elt);

if (where == -1)

return false;


return delat(where);


bool unorderedLinkedList::delat(int where)


if (where < 0 || size <= where)

return false;

nodeType* curr = head;

nodeType* pred = nullptr;

while (where > 0)


pred = curr;

curr = curr->link;



nodeType* temp = curr;

if (pred == nullptr)

head = curr->link;


pred->link = curr->link;

delete temp;


return true;


bool unorderedLinkedList::insat(int where, int elt)


if (where < 0 || size < where)

return false;

nodeType* node = new nodeType;

node->info = elt;

nodeType* curr = head;

nodeType* pred = nullptr;

while (where > 0)


pred = curr;

curr = curr->link;



if (pred == nullptr)


node->link = head;

head = node;




node->link = curr;

pred->link = node;



return true;


bool unorderedLinkedList::putelt(int where, int elt)


if (where < 0 || size <= where)

return false;

nodeType* curr = head;

while (where > 0)


curr = curr->link;



curr->info = elt;

return true;


void unorderedLinkedList::copy(const unorderedLinkedList& original)


if (this != &original)



size = original.size;

head = new nodeType;

head->info = original.head->info;

head->link = nullptr;

nodeType* tcurr = head;

nodeType* ocurr = original.head->link;

while (ocurr->link != nullptr)


nodeType* newnode = new nodeType;

newnode->info = ocurr->info;

newnode->link = nullptr;

tcurr->link = newnode;

tcurr = newnode;

ocurr = ocurr->link;




void unorderedLinkedList::show(ostream& sout)


nodeType* node = head;

while (node != nullptr)


sout << node->info << ' ';

node = node->link;



void unorderedLinkedList::kill()


nodeType* temp = nullptr;

nodeType* curr = head;

for (int k = 1; k <= size; ++k)


temp = curr;

curr = curr->link;

delete temp;


head = nullptr;

size = 0;


#include <ctime>

#include <iostream>

#include <random>

#include "unorderedLinkedList.h"

using namespace std;

int main()


int size = 12;

default_random_engine e(1918);

uniform_int_distribution<int> uelt(10, 99);

uniform_int_distribution<int> uidx(-size + 1, size - 1);

unorderedLinkedList ul;

while (ul.getnelts() < size)


int elt = uelt(e);

ul.append(elt);; cout << endl;


while (!ul.isEmpty())


int elt = uelt(e);

if (ul.delelt(elt))


cout << endl;





while (ul.getnelts() < size)


int idx = uidx(e);

int elt = uelt(e);

if (ul.insat(idx, elt))

{; cout << endl;



while (!ul.isEmpty())


int idx = uidx(e);

if (ul.delat(idx))


cout << endl;




return 0;


#pragma once

#include <algorithm>

#include <iterator>

#include <list>

using namespace std;

class unorderedLinkedList: public list<int>




bool isEmpty();


int find(int elt);

int getnelts();

bool getelt(int widx, int& elt);

bool member(int elt);


bool append(int elt);

bool delelt(int elt);

bool delat(int widx);

bool insat(int widx, int elt);

bool putelt(int widx, int elt);

void copy(const unorderedLinkedList& original);

void show(ostream& sout = cout);



bool unorderedLinkedList::isEmpty()


return size() == 0;


int unorderedLinkedList::find(int elt)


list<int>::iterator wit = ::find(begin(), end(), elt);

if (wit == end())

return -1;


return distance(begin(), wit);


int unorderedLinkedList::getnelts()


return size();


bool unorderedLinkedList::getelt(int widx, int& elt)


if (widx < 0 || size() <= widx)

return false;



list<int>::iterator wit = begin();

advance(wit, widx);

elt = *wit;

return true;



bool unorderedLinkedList::member(int elt)


return find(elt) != -1;


bool unorderedLinkedList::append(int elt)


return insat(size(), elt);


bool unorderedLinkedList::delelt(int elt)


list<int>::iterator wit = ::find(begin(), end(), elt);

if (wit == end())

return false;




return true;



bool unorderedLinkedList::delat(int widx)


if (widx < 0 || size() <= widx)

return false;



list<int>::iterator wit = begin();

advance(wit, widx);


return true;



bool unorderedLinkedList::insat(int widx, int elt)


if (widx < 0 || size() < widx)

return false;

else if (widx == size())



return true;




list<int>::iterator wit = begin();

advance(wit, widx);

insert(wit, elt);

return true;



bool unorderedLinkedList::putelt(int widx, int elt)


if (widx < 0 || size() <= widx)

return false;



list<int>::iterator wit = begin();

advance(wit, widx);

*wit = elt;

return true;



void unorderedLinkedList::copy(const unorderedLinkedList& original)


if (this != &original)


erase(begin(), end());

::copy(original.begin(), original.end(), begin());



void unorderedLinkedList::show(ostream& sout)


::copy(begin(), end(), ostream_iterator<int>(sout, " "));


deleteSmallest() method :

//newly added method 

void unorderedLinkedList::deleteSmallest(){
    nodeType *currentNode = head ;
    if(currentNode == NULL) 
     return ;
    int min = INT_MAX ; 
    while(currentNode !=NULL){
        if(currentNode->info <min){
            min = currentNode->info ;
        currentNode = currentNode->link ; 
    nodeType *tempCurrent = head ;
    nodeType *tempNext ;
    int minElement = min ;
    if(tempNode->info == minElement){
        tempNode = tempNode->next ;
        head = tempNode ; 
    while(tempNode !=NULL){
        if(tempNode->info== minElement){
            tempNode->info = tempNode->link->info;
            tempNode->link = temp->link->link;
        tempNode = tempNode->link ;

Hope you got your answer ;)

If you still have any doubts please let me know in the comment box. Thanks! happy learning ;)  

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