
In: Anatomy and Physiology

1. How would eating polysaccharides relieve symptoms of feeling weak, lacking energy, and feeling thirty. The...

1. How would eating polysaccharides relieve symptoms of feeling weak, lacking energy, and feeling thirty. The patient went on a diet low in carbohydrates and calories and high in protein and fats.
2. Definite homeostasis and negative feedback. Explain significance of homeostasis in physiology and medicine using specific examples from the case of the patient in question 1.


Expert Solution

1) If you suddenly cut carbs or low carbs less than 20-70 gm /day (polysaccharides: carbohydrate) from your diet and feed only on protein and fat , you will might suffer from other health risk. Although low carb diet helps in loosing weight but if for longer time you will on low carb diet , deficiency of essential nutrients and mineral will be the consequences. protein mainly serves for maintaining bone mass and tissue growth so , if your body generate fuel from protein then these process aslo affect.

If you dont have enough carbohydrate to meet your energy requirement , fat will burn and ketone body will develop and health problem yuo will face are: Headche, fatigue, weakness, muscle cramp.

So, polysachharides is your instant resource for body fuel and provide suffiecient energy to every cell and prevent ketone formation. Polysaccharides are energy cost effective and it can provide energy for longer time.

2) Homeostatis: It is a condition where a system (here is human body) maintained in a more or less steady (constant) state. Every variable maintained in a narrow range. (ex. body temp. maintained at 37o C )

Negative feedback: It's a negative feedback loop for regulation. If any variable goes beyond its normal range then negation feedback sense it and respond accordingly to bring it back to the normal range.

Above case: here low carb diet experience low blood sugar in the patient.

Here homeostatic parametre: Blood sugar

Negative feedback: Here when negative feedback senses low blood sugar it stimulate/activate pancreatic alpha cell to release glucagon hormone to increase the blood sugar level by breaking the stored glycogen.

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