
In: Nursing

1. What is schizophrenia? 2. What are the first symptoms someone would notice if they had...

1. What is schizophrenia?

2. What are the first symptoms someone would notice if they had schizophrenia?

3. What are the negative symptoms of schizophrenia?

4. Are there warning signs or ways to tell if someone with schizophrenia is going to relapse?

5. Does everyone with schizophrenia need to take medication? Can therapy help someone with schizophrenia?

6. Discuss substance abuse with schizophrenics.


Expert Solution

Answer 1:- Schizophrenia is a psychosis (mental disorder) characterised by DELUSION (idiosyncratic belief), HALLUCINATIONS (perception of sensations that aren't real) and LACK OF INSIGHT.

Answer 2:- First symptoms that someone would notice if they have schizophrenia are as follows:-

1. Auditory hallucinations.

2. Broadcasting, Insertion of thoughts and withdrawal of thoughts.

-Broadcasting ( which means A person believes that others can hear or are aware of an individual's thoughts)

-Insertion of thoughts (means experiencing one's own thoughts as someone else's) and

-Withdrawal of thoughts (that is patients thoughts have been taken out of their minds and patient has no power over this).

3. Controlled feelings,impulses or acts (passivity experiences/phenomenon).

4.Delusional perception.

Answer 3:- Negative symptoms of schizophrenia are as follows:-

1.Apathy and loss of drive (avolition).

2. Social isolation/withdrawal (autism).

3. Poverty of speech (alogia).

4. Poor self-care.

5. Flattened (blunted) affect.

Answer 4:- Warning signs in schizophrenia patient which might indicate relapse is possible are:-

1. Insomnia (inability to sleep)

2. Anxiety (feeling tense or fearful)

3. Difficulty in concentrating.

4. Inability to cope up with simple everyday tasks.

5. Feeling irritable.

6. Tiredness and lack of energy.

7. Confusion or disordered thinking.

Answer 5:- Yes, everyone with schizophrenia requires medication of antipsychotic agents as medication is cornerstone of schizophrenia. Lifelong medication is advised alonwith psychological treatment at social level.

Therapy can help in a patient but not without medication. Psychotherapy of CBT (cognitive Behavioural therapy) may help normalize thought pattern. Family therapy also proves helpful. Vacational rehabilitation also reduces the rate of relapse.

Answer 6:- Substance abuse in schizophrenics means patients of schizophrenia who have other drug addiction as well. Substance abuse in schizophrenics hinder the receding of symptoms by medication. These patient tend to do suicide, suffer trauma and homelessness. Usually patients are addicted to nicotine, alcohol, marijuana. Some patients might do substance abuse to alleviate the effects of symptoms of schizophrenia.

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