
In: Anatomy and Physiology

In the epinephrine GPCR pathway, what would happen if Adenylyl Cyclase was non-functional?

In the epinephrine GPCR pathway, what would happen if Adenylyl Cyclase was non-functional?


Expert Solution

In the epinephrine , GPCR or G protein coupled receptor plays a role in the signal transduction process.

When the person suffers from any acute fear or attack then body responds as a flight and fight response by the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.

In this case body use to release a epinephrine hormone which is secreted from the adrenal gland this work in signal transduction from extracellular to intracellular

Which is turn occurs in some steps of signal transduction.

During this process the adenyl cyclase is the enzyme that act as a secondary messenger in the signal transduction pathway and it convert the ATP into cyclic AMP which are signalling molecule for the process.

So it plays a very major role in the signalling process and if there will be non functional adenyl cyclase then there will be decrease in the intracellular cyclic AMP molecule and this will break the process of signal transduction process.

G proteins use to activate the adenyl cyclase which in turn coverts the ATP into cyclic AMP and then G protein makes them self deactivated and adenyl cyclase also gets turn off for the time.

They are purely important for the formation of the cyclic AMP which are secondary messenger in the signal transduction process.

I hope this would be clear you can ask in comment if any doubt.

Do rate this and Good wishes :-)

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