
In: Electrical Engineering

Saliency detection using scale have to take two window of different sizes and calculate the...

Saliency detection using scale have to take two window of different sizes and calculate the saliency by considering the feature vector.

if you know the answer then only write or else leave for other.

image processing ELECTRICAL.


Expert Solution

i1 = imread('input_image.jpg');%Provide input image path
d= size(i1);
w = d(2);h = d(1);
md = min(w, h);%minimum dimension
cform = makecform('srgb2lab', 'whitepoint', whitepoint('d65'));
lab = applycform(i1,cform);
l = double(lab(:,:,1));
a = double(lab(:,:,2));
b = double(lab(:,:,3));

smT = zeros(h, w);
off1 = int32(md/2); off2 = int32(md/4); off3 = int32(md/8);
for j = 1:h
    y11 = max(1,j-off1); y12 = min(j+off1,height);
    y21 = max(1,j-off2); y22 = min(j+off2,height);
    y31 = max(1,j-off3); y32 = min(j+off3,height);
    for k = 1:w
        x11 = max(1,k-off1); x12 = min(k+off1,width);
        x21 = max(1,k-off2); x22 = min(k+off2,width);
        x31 = max(1,k-off3); x32 = min(k+off3,width);
        lm1 = mean2(l(y11:y12,x11:x12));am1 = mean2(a(y11:y12,x11:x12));bm1 = mean2(b(y11:y12,x11:x12));
        lm2 = mean2(l(y21:y22,x21:x22));am2 = mean2(a(y21:y22,x21:x22));bm2 = mean2(b(y21:y22,x21:x22));
        lm3 = mean2(l(y31:y32,x31:x32));am3 = mean2(a(y31:y32,x31:x32));bm3 = mean2(b(y31:y32,x31:x32));
        cv1 = (l(j,k)-lm1).^2 + (a(j,k)-am1).^2 + (b(j,k)-bm1).^2;
        cv2 = (l(j,k)-lm2).^2 + (a(j,k)-am2).^2 + (b(j,k)-bm2).^2;
        cv3 = (l(j,k)-lm3).^2 + (a(j,k)-am3).^2 + (b(j,k)-bm3).^2;
        smTj,k) = cv1 + cv2 + cv3;


smT is the final result. if you have any doubt regarding the question please comment. Thank you

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