In: Biology
Corals are marine invertebrates. Corals obtain food through suspension and autotrophic feeding by Zooxanthellae alage with which the corals are in mutualistic symbiosis. Algae accelerate the formation of limestone and coral colours. Corals provide residence to algae. But, when sea water temperature rises or salinity drops, the algae produce substances toxic to corals. So, the corals expel or drive out the algae resulting in the loss of coral pigments. This is called coral bleaching. Bleaching effects corals by making them vulnerable to diseases, stunt growth, affects their reproduction too. Ammonia is one of the factors causing stress and toxicity to corals. In healthy coralreef ecosystem, effect of concentration of ammonia which is produced by marine animals, is negligible as microbes convert them into less toxic forms such as nitrate. High ammonia concentrations exceedinig 0.07mgN/L due to contamination of marine ecosystems by municipal wastes, cargo ships, human activities affect coral bleaching. With increasing ammonia concentration above 0.07mgN/L, there's an increase in the mortality by 50%.