
In: Computer Science

FOR C++ A friend wants you to start writing a video game. Write a class called...

FOR C++ A friend wants you to start writing a video game. Write a class called “Player” that includes the location of the player, her/his current score, and the ancestry of the player (e.g. “Elf”, “Goblin”, “Giant”, “Human”). A player will always start at location (0, 0) and have a score of 0. Write accessors/modifiers (or “setters/getters”) for each of those characteristics. Write an “appropriate” constructor for the class (based on what’s described above). Write methods moveNorth(), moveSouth(), moveEast() and moveWest() that increment/decrement the x and y position of the player, respectively. Write a method called addToScore() that takes in an integer and adds it to the players score.


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#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Player{
       int x;
       int y;
       string ancestry;
       int score;
           x = 0;
           y = 0;
           score = 0;
           ancestry = "Not setted";
       int get_x(){
           return x;
       void set_x(int x_cord){
           x = x_cord;
       int get_y(){
           return y;
       void set_y(int y_cord){
           y = y_cord;
       string get_ancestry(){
           return ancestry;
       void set_ancestry(string ance){
           ancestry = ance;
       int get_score(){
           return score;
       void moveNorth(){
           y += 1;
       void moveSouth(){
           y -= 1;
       void moveEast(){
           x += 1;
       void moveWest(){
           x -= 1;
       void addToScore(int new_score){
           score += new_score;

int main(){
   Player p1;
   cout<<"Ancestry is "<<p1.get_ancestry()<<'\n';
   cout<<"Geo Location is ("<<p1.get_x()<<","<<p1.get_y()<<")\n";
   cout<<"Score is "<<p1.get_score()<<'\n';
   return 0;

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