
In: Psychology

Sociology Q: The issues of g-a-y adoption is a timely and relevant sociological phenomena. Many g-a-y...

Sociology Q:

The issues of g-a-y adoption is a timely and relevant sociological phenomena. Many g-a-y men and women, in couples and not, are raising children in America. It is estimated that approximately three million children are being raised in homes with g-a-y parents. Many of them are raised by their biological parents, but many are adopted. Despite the inconsistent adoption laws throughout the country, this trend does not seem to be slowing. In addition to the unequal parenting and marriage laws that still exist, g-a-y parents face discrimination on a number of levels.

The film Daddy & Papa chronicles the lives of some of these families. Although you can not view the entire film online, you can view five clips from the film  where you can also read an overview of the film. Additionally, please visit  to read biographies & quotes from the families that are featured in the film. As you are reviewing this information and the film clips pay close attention to issues of gender, race & sexuality as they are experienced by the parents and children in the film.

Consider the following questions for your discussion:

What are some of the specific challenges that g-a-y parents face? How does the sexual orientation of parents impact the socialization experiences of children? How do g-a-y parents deal with the additional challenges of inter-racial adoption? How are the experiences of these families a reflection of some of the concepts of gender or racial discrimination and heterosexism? How can society more effectively support these families?


Expert Solution

Initially, same sex people were not accepted and even now they are not accepted completely, although laws were enacted to protect their rights. Today, they have started raising children together either their own or adopted. Talking to them about why two males are living together as against a male and female would be one of the most challenging task for them. Children are normally cared by mothers and they tend to be soft and more lenient but in the case of two males, the children will learn only manliness and not the female side of the world. Apart from these two primary characteristics, finding house will pose a problem, finding a job will pose a problem, socializing with others will be a problem.   

The children will face the same humiliation and segregation that their parents faced once. The society is still under the transformation base and it is still in the process of accepting the same sex marriages although law had already accepted it. Normal parents might not like their children play with the children of same sex parents out of fear that they might influence them. The chances are more they might be bullied at home.

Inter-racial adoption will play an important role when it comes to same sex parenting because the child’s culture might have been different and when it comes to this new environment where two parents are of same sex, it might be difficult for the child to accept it. They have to tackle the issue of color problem and language issues which they could only talk and make the child understand.


Gender discrimination is still practice because the majority will always dominate the minority. Here, the heterosexism is the majority, so, until all become aware of the same sex parenting, the discomfort is going to continue. They have fought and go their rights for same sex marriage and now they have to be resilient towards the discriminations and achieve their rights.

There is one important factors, the society needs to understand that everyone has their right to live in this world without disturbing others. So, as citizens of America, anyone has the same right as everyone else in the country. The constitution has given everyone equal rights, so the society needs to respect individual rights. They can allow them to rent homes, allow their children to play with the children of same sex parents. Schools can educate the children regarding this and the parents can tell them about it.

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