
In: Computer Science

1. Solve a function (e​ .g.​, y(x) = sin(x) / (sin(x/10) + x/10) for many different...

1. Solve a function (e​ .g.​, y(x) = sin(x) / (sin(x/10) + x/10) for many different values of x between a user-defined min and max, and store the values in a list. Also, print the maximum value of y(x) for the given range.

2. Find the list in a list-of-lists whose sum of elements is the highest, and print the sum and list to the user.

e.g., [[1, 2], [2, 5], [3, 2]] → [2,5] with a sum of 7.


Expert Solution

I am writing the code in C++ and also after // this symbol i will explain about that line.

question no. 1:


#include<cmath>        // this library function will gives sin value


using namespace std;

int main()


    double max,min,temp=0;    // sin value always in double type data

    double list[30];    // declaring array for storing the y(x) function value

    int l=0;

    int n;

    cout<<"Enter the minimum value of x ";

    cin>>min;                                                                //taking data from user input

    cout<<"Enter the maximum value of x ";


    for(int x=min;x<=max;x++)


        temp= sin(x)/(sin(x/10)+x/10);                 // calcuating y(x) in the range of min to max value






    n=sizeof(list)/sizeof(list[0]);         // sorting algorithm to sort array in decending order

    sort(list, list+n,greater<int>());

    cout<<"The maximum value of y(x) is "<<list[0];

    return 0;


Question no.2:




using namespace std;

int main()


    int list[3][2]={{1,2},{2,5},{3,2}};    // declaring list in 2d array

    int sum=0;

    int temp[3];     // declaring 2nd array for store sum of each pair

    for(int i=0;i<3;i++)


        for(int j=0;j<2;j++)


            sum=sum+list[i][j];    // adding the pair


        temp[i]=sum; //storing the sum into temp array list



    int n=sizeof(temp)/sizeof(temp[0]);

    sort(temp,temp+n);    // now here sorting of array increasing order

    cout<<"highest sum is "<<temp[2];   now printing n-1 element which will be highest.

    return 0;


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