
In: Computer Science

The primary objective of this assignment is to reinforce the concepts of string processing. Part A:...

The primary objective of this assignment is to reinforce the concepts of string processing.

Part A: Even or Odd [10 marks]

For this first part of the assignment, write a function that will generate a random number within some range (say, 1 to 50), then prompt the user to answer if the number is even or odd. The user will then input a response and a message will be printed indicated whether it was correct or not. This process should be repeated 5 times, using a new random number for each play, regardless of whether the user was correct or not.


A correct response for an even number can be any of the following: “even”, “Even”, “EVEN”, “e”, “E”. “EiEiO”. The main criterion is that a correct response begins with the letter “e”, regardless of case. The same goes for an odd number – a correct response should begin with the letter “o”.

If the user enters an invalid response, they should be notified. However, an invalid response still counts as one of the 5 plays.

The solution should contain a loop (for or while) and a few if statements. An example execution is shown below:

>>> assign2PartA()
Is 41 odd or even? Odd
Is 48 odd or even? Even
Is 3 odd or even? e
Is 20 odd or even? o
Is 42 odd or even? xyz
You did not enter a correct reply.
Please answer using Odd or Even

Part B: Vowel Counting [10 marks]

The second task is to write a function that counts, and prints, the number of occurrences for each vowel (a, e, i, o and u) in a given phrase and outputs a (new) phrase with the vowels removed. The phrase should be accepted as a parameter to the function. If the (original) phrase is empty, you should output an appropriate error message, and obviously with no vowel counts. If the phrase contains no vowels, a message should be displayed, and the count can be omitted – since there is no point in displaying 0 for each vowel! A message should also be displayed if the phrase contains only vowels, but the counts should still be displayed.


Recall that you can use the tab escape character (“\t”) for spacing to align the text, or use a given width in the f-string (print(f"{count_a:4}, ……”), where the value of count_a here is right justified in 4 columns.)

Be sure to correctly handle both upper- and lower-case letters (e.g. both “a” and “A” should be counted as an instance of the letter “A”.) The new phrase (with vowels removed) should preserve the letter cases from the original phrase. Be sure to show output for all possible scenarios in your submitted output.

>>> assign2PartB("Remember that context here defines \"+\" as 'Concatenate'")
4 10 1 2 0

The original phrase is: Remember that context here defines "+" as 'Concatenate'
The phrase without vowels is: Rmmbr tht cntxt hr dfns "+" s 'Cnctnt'

>>> assign2PartB("bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz")

The phrase contains no vowels: bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz

>>> assign2PartB("aeiouAEIOU")
2 2 2 2 2

The phrase contains only vowels: aeiouAEIOU

>>> assign2PartB("")

The input phrase is empty!


using python


Expert Solution


#importing module random
import random
#function named demo
def demo():
   #this loop iterates 5 times
   for i in range(0,5):
       #generating a random number
       #taking input from user
       a=input("is "+str(n)+" even or odd: ")
       #selection statements based on given conditions
           #checks the first character of input string
           if(a[0]=="E" or a[0]=="e"):
           elif(a[0]=="O" or a[0]=="o"):
               print("You didnot enter a Correct reply")
           if(a[0]=="E" or a[0]=="e"):
           elif(a[0]=="O" or a[0]=="o"):
               print("You didnot enter a Correct reply")

#function named vowel
def vowelcounter(input1):
   #variables storing count of each vowel
   #length of string input
   #if string is empty
       print("The input phrase is empty!")
       #checking each character in the string and
       #incrementing corresponding vowel counter
       for j in input1:
           if(j=='a' or j=='A'):
           if(j=='e' or j=='E'):
           if(j=='i' or j=='I'):
           if(j=='o' or j=='O'):
           if(j=='u' or j=='U'):
       #sum of all vowel counters
       #if sum is equal to 0
           print("The phrase contains no vowels: "+input1)
       #if sum is equal to length
           #printing count of each vowel
           print("A E I O U")
           print(str(a)+" "+str(e)+" "+str(i)+" "+str(o)+" "+str(u))
           print("The phrase contains only vowels:"+input1)
           #printing count of each vowel
           print("A E I O U")
           print(str(a)+" "+str(e)+" "+str(i)+" "+str(o)+" "+str(u))
           print("The original phrase is: "+input1)
           vowels = ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u','A','E','I','O','U')
           #removing vowels from input1
           for k in input1:
               if(k in vowels):
           print("The phrase without vowels is: "+input1)
#main function
def main():
   #caling each function
   vowelcounter("Remember that context here defines \"+\" as 'Concatenate'")

if __name__ == '__main__':


Code Screenshot:

code snippet:

#importing module random 
import random
#function named demo 
def demo():
        #this loop iterates 5 times
        for i in range(0,5):
                #generating a random number
                #taking input from user
                a=input("is "+str(n)+" even or odd: ")
                #selection statements based on given conditions
                        #checks the first character of input string
                        if(a[0]=="E" or a[0]=="e"):
                        elif(a[0]=="O" or a[0]=="o"):
                                print("You didnot enter a Correct reply")
                        if(a[0]=="E" or a[0]=="e"):
                        elif(a[0]=="O" or a[0]=="o"):
                                print("You didnot enter a Correct reply")

#function named vowel
def vowelcounter(input1):
        #variables storing count of each vowel
        #length of string input
        #if string is empty
                print("The input phrase is empty!")
                #checking each character in the string and
                #incrementing corresponding vowel counter
                for j in input1:
                        if(j=='a' or j=='A'):
                        if(j=='e' or j=='E'):
                        if(j=='i' or j=='I'):
                        if(j=='o' or j=='O'):
                        if(j=='u' or j=='U'):
                #sum of all vowel counters
                #if sum is equal to 0
                        print("The phrase contains no vowels: "+input1)
                #if sum is equal to length
                        #printing count of each vowel
                        print("A E I O U")
                        print(str(a)+" "+str(e)+" "+str(i)+" "+str(o)+" "+str(u))
                        print("The phrase contains only vowels:"+input1)
                        #printing count of each vowel
                        print("A E I O U")
                        print(str(a)+" "+str(e)+" "+str(i)+" "+str(o)+" "+str(u))
                        print("The original phrase is: "+input1)
                        vowels = ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u','A','E','I','O','U')
                        #removing vowels from input1
                        for k in input1:
                                if(k in vowels):
                        print("The phrase without vowels is: "+input1)
#main function
def main():
        #caling each function
        vowelcounter("Remember that context here defines \"+\" as 'Concatenate'")

if __name__ == '__main__':

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