In: Computer Science
Database Application Development
Milestone 1 (part 1)
In this assignment, you create a simple HR application using the C++ programming language and Oracle server. This assignment helps students learn a basic understanding of application development using C++ programming and an Oracle database
This Milestone is a new project that simply uses what was learned in the SETUP.
Your submission will be a single text-based .cpp file including your C++ program for the Database Application project/assignment. The file must include a comment header of student name and ID number.
Your submission needs to be FULLY commented.
Note: you can submit combine code of part1 and part2 as final.txt also
In this assignment, we use the same database that you use for your labs.
Connecting to an Oracle database from a C++ Program
In your function main(), create a connection to your database.
You need to implement the following functions:
int menu(void);
The menu() function returns an integer value which is the selected option by the user from the menu. This function displays the following menu options:
********************* HR Menu *********************
Prompt the user to enter an option. If the user enters an incorrect option, the user is asked to enter an option again. When the user enters a correct option (1 to 5), the function returns the selected value.
If the user selects 6 (Exit), the program terminates.
int findEmployee(*conn, int employeeNumber, struct Employee *emp);
This function receives a connection object, an integer number as the employee number, and a pointer to a variable of type Employee. The function returns 0 if the employee does not exist. It returns 1 if the employee exits.
To store the employee data from the findEmployee() function, we use a variable of type structure called Employee. The Employee structure has the following members:
struct Employee{
int employeeNumber;
char lastName[50];
char firstName[50];
char email[100];
char phone[50];
char extension[10];
char reportsTo[100];
char jobTitle[50];
char city[50];
The ReportsTo member stores the first name and the last name of the employee who is the manager of the given employee number.
If the employee exists, store the employee data into the members of an Employee variable using the third parameter in the findEmployee() function which references to that variable of type Employee.
Note: For this report, you may need to query more than one table (join).
void displayEmployee(*conn, struct Employee emp);
If the user selects option 1, this function is called. First, prompt the user to enter a value for the employee number. Then, call function findEmployee() to check if the employee with the given employee number exists. If the returning value of function findEmployee() is 0, display a proper error message.
Sample error message:
Employee 1122 does not exist.
Otherwise, call the function displayEmployee() to display the employee information.
This function receives a connection pointer and values of a variable of type Employee and displays all members of the emp parameter.
Display the employee information as follows:
employeeNumber = 1002
lastName = Murphy
firstName = Diane
email = [email protected]
phone = +1 650 219 4782
extension = x5800
reportsTo =
jobTitle = President
city = San Francisco
void displayAllEmployees(*conn);
If the user selects option 2 (Employees Report), call function displayAllEmployees().
This function receives a connection pointer and displays all employees’ information if exists.
Write a query to select and display the following attributes for all employees.
Employee Name
1002 Diane Murphy [email protected] +1 650 219 4782 x5800
1056 Mary Patterson [email protected] +1 650 219 4782 x4611 Diane Murphy
1076 Jeff Firrelli [email protected] +1 650 219 4782 x9273 Diane Murphy
Note: For this report, you may need to query more than one table (join).
If the query does not return any rows, display a proper message:
There is no employees’ information to be displayed.
Note: For each query in your assignment, make sure you handle the errors and display the proper message including the error_code.
Error_code is a number returned if the query execution is not successful.
Working code implemented in C++ and appropriate comments provided for better understanding:
Source code for HRApplication.cpp:
#include <mysql.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
struct Employee {
int employeeNumber;
char lastName[50];
char firstName[50];
char email[100];
char phone[50];
char extension[10];
char reportsTo[100]; // stores the first name and the
last name of the employee who is the manager of the given employee
char jobTitle[50];
char city[50];
} emp;
// Performs a fool-proof integer entry
int getInt(int min, int max);
// displays the user interface menu
int menu(void);
int findEmployee(MYSQL* conn, int employeeNumber, Employee*
void displayEmployee(MYSQL* conn, Employee* emp);
// Displays all members of the emp
void displayAllEmployees(MYSQL* conn);
// Displays all employees’ information if
void insertEmployee(MYSQL* conn, Employee* emp);
void updateEmployee(MYSQL* conn, int employeeNumber);
void deleteEmployee(MYSQL* conn, int employeeNumber);
int main(void) {
MYSQL* conn;
conn = mysql_init(0);
// connect with MYSQL Database
conn = mysql_real_connect(conn,
"", "db_yan24", "&d97l>MdDp",
"db_yan24", 3306, nullptr, 0);
// the connection is successfully established
if (conn) {
cout << "successful
connection to database" << endl << endl;
int selected_option = 0;
int employeeNumber = 0, check =
/* Menu */
do {
= menu();
(selected_option) {
case 0: // Exit
the program
cout << "Exiting Employee Data Program.
Good Bye!!!" << endl;
case 1: //
Find Employee
// Prompt the user to enter a value for the
employee number
cout << "Find Employee number: ";
employeeNumber = getInt(0, 2000);
// Check if the employee with the given employee
number exists
check = findEmployee(conn, employeeNumber,
if (check == 0) {
// If the returning value of
function findEmployee() is 0, display a proper error message.
cout << "Employee "
<< employeeNumber << " does not exist." << endl
<< endl;
else {
// To display the employee
case 2: //
Employees Report
case 3: //
Add Employee
cout << "********************* ADD emp
*********************" << endl;
// Prompt the user to enter a value for the
employee number
cout << "Employee Number: ";
employeeNumber = getInt(0, 2000);
emp.employeeNumber = employeeNumber;
cout << "Last Name: ";
cin >> emp.lastName;
cout << "Fist Name: ";
cin >> emp.firstName;
cout << "Email: ";
cin >>;
cout << "extension: ";
cin >> emp.extension;
cout << "Job Title: ";
cin >> emp.jobTitle;
cout << "City: ";
cin >>;
// Check if the employee with the given employee
number exists
check = findEmployee(conn, employeeNumber,
if (check == 1) {
// If the returning value of
function findEmployee() is 1, display a proper error message.
cout << "An employee
with the same employee number exists." << endl <<
else {
// Add the employee
case 4: //
Update Employee
cout << "********************* Upd emp
*********************" << endl;
// Prompt the user to enter a value for the
employee number
cout << "Employee Number: ";
employeeNumber = getInt(0, 2000);
// Check if the employee with the given employee
number exists
check = findEmployee(conn, employeeNumber,
if (check == 0) {
// If the returning value of
function findEmployee() is 0, display a proper error message.
cout << "Employee "
<< employeeNumber << " does not exist." << endl
<< endl;
else {
// If employee does exist,
ask the user to enter the new phone extension.
case 5:
//Remove Employee
cout << "********************* Del emp
*********************" << endl;
// Prompt the user to enter a value for the
employee number
cout << "Employee Number: ";
employeeNumber = getInt(0, 2000);
// Check if the employee with the given employee
number exists
check = findEmployee(conn, employeeNumber,
if (check == 0) {
// If the returning value of
function findEmployee() is 0, display a proper error message.
cout << "Employee "
<< employeeNumber << " does not exist." << endl
<< endl;
else {
// If employee does
} //
} while (selected_option !=
} // if (coon)
// the connection is not successfully
else {
cout << "Connection Failed"
<< mysql_error(conn) << endl;
// the connection to the database is no longer
return 0;
// Performs a fool-proof integer entry
int getInt(int min, int max) {
int selected_option;
bool done = false;
while (!done) {
cin >> selected_option;
if ( {
cout <<
"\n" << "ERROR: Incorrect Option!" << "\n" <<
"Try Again: ";
else {
(selected_option < min || selected_option > max) {
cout << "\n" << "ERROR: Invalid
value!" << endl << "The value must be between "
<< min << " and " << max << endl;
cout << "Try Again: ";
else {
done = true;
cin.ignore(1000, '\n');
return selected_option;
int menu(void) {
int selected_option = 0;
cout << "********************* HR Menu *********************" << endl;
// Print the option list
cout << "1) Find Employee" << endl;
cout << "2) Employees Report" <<
cout << "3) Add Employee" << endl;
cout << "4) Update Employee" <<
cout << "5) Remove Employee" <<
cout << "0) Exit" << endl <<
// Prompt the user to enter an option
cout << "Select the number: ";
selected_option = getInt(0, 5);
cout << endl;
return selected_option;
int findEmployee(MYSQL* conn, int employeeNumber, Employee* emp) {
int exequery;
int return_val = 0;
// To store the returning result in advanced before
calling function mysql_store_result().
MYSQL_ROW Result_row;
// 1) Exist the emp?
string exist_query = "SELECT DISTINCT
E.employeeNumber, E.lastName, E.firstName,,,
E.extension, concat(M.firstName, ' ', M.lastName) AS reportsTo,
E.jobTitle, FROM employees E left JOIN employees M on
E.reportsTo = M.employeenumber INNER JOIN offices F on E.officeCode
= F.officeCode WHERE E.employeeNumber = " +
to_string(employeeNumber) + ";";
const char* ex_q = exist_query.c_str(); // string to
// execute 'SQL query' using the mysql_query()
exequery = mysql_query(conn, ex_q);
// query execution is successful
if (!exequery) {
res = mysql_store_result(conn);
// To check if the result set is
empty you examine the returning value
if (mysql_num_rows(res) == 0)
// The Employee
does not exist.
return_val; // return_val = 0
Result_row = mysql_fetch_row(res);
emp->employeeNumber =
atoi(Result_row[0]); // E.employeeNumber (string to int)
Result_row[1]); // E.lastName
Result_row[2]); // E.firstName
Result_row[3]); //
Result_row[4]); //
Result_row[5]); // E.extension
if (Result_row[6] == NULL) {
strcpy(emp->reportsTo, "");
else {
strcpy(emp->reportsTo, Result_row[6]); // reportsTo
Result_row[7]); // E.jobTitle
Result_row[8]); //
return return_val = 1;
//query execution is not successful
else {
cout << "Error message: "
<< mysql_error(conn) << ": " << mysql_errno(conn)
<< endl;
} // if (!exequery)
// Displays a Emp
void displayEmployee(MYSQL* conn, Employee* emp) {
cout << '\n' << "***************** Employee " << emp->employeeNumber << " *****************" << endl;
cout << "employeeNumber = " <<
emp->employeeNumber << endl;
cout << "lastName = " << emp->lastName
<< endl;
cout << "firstName = " <<
emp->firstName << endl;
cout << "email = " << emp->email
<< endl;
cout << "phone = " << emp->phone
<< endl;
cout << "extension = " <<
emp->extension << endl;
cout << "reportsTo = " <<
emp->reportsTo << endl;
cout << "jobTitle = " << emp->jobTitle
<< endl;
cout << "city = " << emp->city <<
endl << endl;
// Displays all employees’ information if exists
void displayAllEmployees(MYSQL* conn) {
int exequery;
MYSQL_RES* Total_res;
MYSQL_ROW Total_row;
string emp_query = "SELECT E.employeeNumber,
concat(E.firstName, ' ', E.lastName),,,
E.extension, concat(M.firstName, ' ', M.lastName) AS reportsTo FROM
employees E left JOIN employees M on E.reportsTo = M.employeenumber
INNER JOIN offices F on E.officeCode = F.officeCode;";
const char* emp_q = emp_query.c_str(); // string to
exequery = mysql_query(conn, emp_q);
//query execution is successful
if (!exequery) {
Total_res =
if (mysql_num_rows(Total_res) ==
0) {
cout <<
"There is no employees’ information to be displayed." <<
cout << endl;
cout << setw(7) << "E"
<< setw(25) << "Employee Name" << setw(35)
<< "Email" << setw(20) << "Phone" <<
setw(10) << "Ext" << setw(7) << "Manager"
<< endl;
cout <<
<< endl;
while (Total_row =
mysql_fetch_row(Total_res)) {
cout <<
setw(7) << Total_row[0] << setw(25) <<
Total_row[1] << setw(35) << Total_row[2] <<
setw(20) << Total_row[3] << setw(10) <<
if (Total_row[5]
== NULL) {
cout << endl;
cout <<
setw(7) << Total_row[5] << endl;
cout << endl;
else {
//query execution is not
cout << "Error message: "
<< mysql_error(conn) << ": " << mysql_errno(conn)
<< endl;
} // if (!exequery)
void insertEmployee(MYSQL* conn, Employee* emp) {
int exequery;
// To store the returning result in advanced before
calling function mysql_store_result().
// 1) Exist the emp?
// the office code of the new employees is 1 and the
manager id (reportsTo)is 102 by default.
const string quote = "\"";
string exist_query = "INSERT INTO employees
(employeeNumber, lastName, firstName, email, officeCode, reportsTo,
extension, jobTitle) VALUES (" + to_string(emp->employeeNumber)
+ "," + quote + emp->lastName + quote + "," + quote +
emp->firstName + quote + "," + quote + emp->email + quote +
"," + quote + "1" + quote + "," + quote + "1002" + quote + "," +
quote + emp->extension + quote + "," + quote + emp->jobTitle
+ quote + ");";
const char* ex_q = exist_query.c_str(); // string to
// execute 'SQL query' using the mysql_query()
exequery = mysql_query(conn, ex_q);
// query execution is successful
if (!exequery) {
cout << "The new employee is
added successfully." << endl << endl;
//query execution is not successful
else {
cout << "Error message: "
<< mysql_error(conn) << ": " << mysql_errno(conn)
<< endl;
} // if (!exequery)
void updateEmployee(MYSQL* conn, int employeeNumber) {
string temp_extension = "x0000";
cout << "New Extension: ";
cin >> temp_extension;
int exequery;
// To store the returning result in advanced before
calling function mysql_store_result().
// 1) Exist the emp?
// the office code of the new employees is 1 and the
manager id (reportsTo)is 102 by default.
const string quote = "\"";
string exist_query = "UPDATE employees SET extension =
" + quote + temp_extension + quote + "WHERE employeeNumber = " +
to_string(employeeNumber) + ";";
const char* ex_q = exist_query.c_str(); // string to char
// execute 'SQL query' using the mysql_query()
exequery = mysql_query(conn, ex_q);
// query execution is successful
if (!exequery) {
cout << "Employee " <<
employeeNumber << "'s extension is changed " <<
temp_extension << " successfully." << endl <<
//query execution is not successful
else {
cout << "Error message: "
<< mysql_error(conn) << ": " << mysql_errno(conn)
<< endl;
} // if (!exequery)
void deleteEmployee(MYSQL* conn, int employeeNumber) {
int exequery;
// To store the returning result in advanced before
calling function mysql_store_result().
// 1) Exist the emp?
// the office code of the new employees is 1 and the
manager id (reportsTo)is 102 by default.
const string quote = "\"";
string exist_query = "DELETE FROM employees WHERE
employeeNumber = " + to_string(employeeNumber) + "; ";
const char* ex_q = exist_query.c_str(); // string to char
// execute 'SQL query' using the mysql_query()
exequery = mysql_query(conn, ex_q);
// query execution is successful
if (!exequery) {
cout << "Employee " <<
employeeNumber << " is deleted successfully." << endl
<< endl;
//query execution is not successful
else {
cout << "Error message: "
<< mysql_error(conn) << ": " << mysql_errno(conn)
<< endl;
} // if (!exequery)
Sample Output Screenshots:
Hope it helps, if you like the answer give it a thumbs up. Thank you.