
In: Economics

Headquartered in Plainfield, Indiana is the Chimney Safety Institute of America which, among other things, certifies...

Headquartered in Plainfield, Indiana is the Chimney Safety Institute of America which, among other things, certifies Chimney Sweeps. There are three steps to becoming certified: purchase (and study) $515 of books, attend an in-person or online review or six-day training school (each of which is several hundred to over a thousand dollars), and pass an exam (again, a few hundred dollars). After this, there is an annual $229 certification fee. The website says that being certified proves “you’re one of the best,” and that certification “is the measure of a chimney sweep’s knowledge about the evaluation and maintenance of chimney and venting systems.” Presumably, the CSIA would argue that its certification protects consumers; given the information presented this week, aside from ensuring high quality chimney sweeps, why else might existing chimney sweeps find it in their interest to protect the certification system? What side effects might the (one-time and annual) fees, training, and exam introduce into the chimney sweep market?


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Q1. Headquartered in Plainfield, Indiana is the Chimney Safety Institute of America which, among other things,...
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