In: Anatomy and Physiology
Janet is 22, and college student that recently moved out onto her own. She works part time and pays all her own bills. She has been vegan for about 8 months, and likes to go jogging 2-3 times per week. Because of limited finances, she often eats ramen, apples, carrots, whatever bread or pasta is on sale. She avoids going out to eat, and mostly packs her own lunch. She doesn’t usually eat breakfast, and often forgets to drink water during the day, and wonders if this is why she feels fatigued most days. She likes to have friends over to her new place, they often bring drinks, but she never drinks more than 1-2, and she doesn’t think it’s affecting her sleep.
Vagans are the people who eat only vegitables and fruits not use any product from animal source. Due to the absence of animal source they had the defficency of vitamin B12, calcium, iron etc.
Vitamin B12 is an important vitamin needed for human which is get only from animal source diet. So the vagan get vitaminB12 supplemention.
Anemia or loss red blood content in body is a major reason for fatigue. Here she may get fatigue due to anemia.
Vitamin B12 is an important factor in the formation of red blood cells so its deficency lead to anemia.
Megaloblastic anemia: This is a type of anemia characterized by red blood cells are larger in size and less in number. It is due to the deficency of vitamin B12 or folate.
Pernicious anemia: This is type of anemia caused by decreased absorption of vitamin B12 which lead to low red blood cells in blody.
Iron deficency anemia: anemia due to lack or deficency of iron in body.
We can diagnose anemia by doing blood routine check up. From blod check up we can find the number of red blood cells and morphoogy of blood cells.
We should suggest a dietary modification. And also instructed to take vitaminB12 supplementation.