
In: Computer Science

It has been suggested the electric cables in buildings can be used to carry digital data...

It has been suggested the electric cables in buildings can be used to carry digital data (in particular in old buildings with limited possibilities of rewiring.

Discuss this possibility regarding How, advantages and disadvantages.


Expert Solution

Hi, I would love to answer you with this question , I hope you get a clear idea related to the same. So not wasting much time lets get started for the answer.

As the question is saying that the electric wires can be used for the transfer of data , So yes electric copper wires can be used to transmit the data from one node to the another inside a building .

Let us look at the advantages and the disadvantages of the electric wires been used to transmit the data :

Advantages of using the electric wire for transmittng the data

  • The electric wires will be cost effective as compared to the other optic cables and many more
  • The no extra installation needed inside the whole building
  • No risk of electric shocks as underground wiring is there
  • Easy maintainance
  • Easily available anywhere

Disadvantages of the electric cable for transmitting the data

  • The corrosion may occur which may lead to loss of data packets
  • There is noise which may disturb or delay the packets
  • Needed to be at distaance from other wires
  • If fault is there , the difficulty is there in finding the fault.

So these are the advantages and the disadvantages over the use of the electric cable, Hope you like an answer.

Please like an answer and do comment for any queries

Thanks and Happy to help :)


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