
In: Math

5.232608753 51.33997 1 4.559347708 3.047033 0 4.550088246 11.71957 1 3.386566659 28.04548 1 0.989064618 0.202602 0 4.555668273...

  1. 5.232608753 51.33997 1
    4.559347708 3.047033 0
    4.550088246 11.71957 1
    3.386566659 28.04548 1
    0.989064618 0.202602 0
    4.555668273 67.83218 1
    4.186405129 53.06328 1
    1.207150769 78.43352 0
    3.445792543 14.46725 1
    2.962975266 23.10411 0
    0.173612404 65.70817 0
    2.768815371 65.28198 1
    2.747367434 97.82201 1
    4.486882933 77.4523 1
    4.824678695 0.743551 0
    5.586206724 48.65186 1
    2.755386381 73.45392 1
    1.787901977 97.36504 1
    5.951385802 90.85691 1
    2.737556923 15.44293 0
    5.408894983 4.157112 0
    1.715859824 0.937882 0
    1.278844906 74.59771 0
    2.514277044 97.32341 1
    3.187058008 38.67714 1
    4.949777159 87.91089 1
    5.948802076 99.45704 1
    4.58854855 73.22006 1
    4.944593251 2.002865 0
    4.095092929 30.82503 1
    1.580255616 81.42979 1
    5.582168688 77.37155 1
    1.409875297 73.8556 1
    4.173571574 10.78412 0
    3.405384527 76.08957 1
    5.303746588 91.13028 1
    2.646338619 30.76739 0
    5.648448558 24.47563 0
    5.460162608 6.448907 1
    2.530400279 92.75311 1
    5.282410782 26.05696 1
    4.798709185 42.12116 1
    4.300055705 57.20119 1
    4.729502404 6.523547 0
    2.476612604 55.6309 1
    3.190133005 67.05927 1
    1.021463153 77.07357 1
    0.733750098 95.86227 1
    2.724156232 4.533329 0
    4.232730005 96.12467 1
    For a column of data x and a column of data y, there is an equation that relates the slope of the line of best fit (m) with the correlation coefficient (r). That equation is:

m = r * std(y)/std(x)

In the equation above, std(y) represents the standard deviation of the y column of data and std(x) is the standard deviation of the x column of data.

Use the Pandas .corr() and .std() methods to compute the slope of the line of best fit between Diameter and Pigment(first & second col).

Next, use compute the y-intecept of the line of best fit using:

b = ybar – m*xbar

         Lastly, plot the line of best fit using matplotlib.pyplot.


Expert Solution

Assuming the data is already stored in data.csv by the column names of x and y


#importing pandas as pd

import pandas as pd

#importing matplotlib,pyplot as plt

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from matplotlib import pylab

#making data frame from the csv file

df = pd.read_csv("data.csv)

#calculating the correlation

r = df.corr(method = 'pearson')

#calculating the standard deviation of all the variables in the dataset where axis = 0 calculation #column wise correlation and axis = 1 calculation row wise

sr = df.std(axis = 0, skipna = True)

#calculating the standard deviation of the specific column

stdy = df.loc[:,"y"].std()

stdx = df.loc[:,"x"].std()

m = r*stdy/stdx

#calculating mean of the y values

ybar = df.loc[:,"y"].mean()

xbar = df.loc[:,"x"].mean()

b = ybar – m*xbar

Y_pred = m*x + b

fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes()

ax.plot(x, Y_pred,linestyle = '-')


r = -0.18959

std(y) = 33.68728

std(x) = 1.55705

m = -0.18959*33.68728 / 1.55705= -4.1019

ybar = average of y values = 51.32871

xbar = average of x values = 3.54132

b = ybar – m*xbar = 51.32871 - (-4.1019)*3.54132 = 65.85485

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