
In: Computer Science

Creates a function called pick. The function receives a "string" representing one year (the variable with...

Creates a function called pick. The function receives a "string" representing one year (the variable with this "string" will be called uve) and a list containing "strings" representing bank accounts (call this bera list). <br>
• Each account is represented by 8 characters. The format of each account number is "**-**-**", where asterisks are replaced by numeric characters. o
For example, "59-04-23".
• The two central characters of the "string" for each account represent the year the account was created. o
For example, the account "59-04-23" was created in 2004.
Presumes that every year they are from 2000 onwards.
• The year in uve is represented by four characters. o
• The feature must return a list of all accounts that were created in the year indicated in uve, with each<br>t without the "-" symbols.<br> o
For example, if the accounts are ["49-01-26", "19-01-33", "99-01-53", "59-04-23"] and the year of interest is<br>"2001", then the function must return ["490126", "190133", "990153"]; note that the accounts follow<br>in the form of "string".<br>
• In addition, the function must return the percent of accounts that were created in the year indicated by uve. <br>
For example, if the accounts are ["49-01-26", "19-01-33", "99-01-53", "59-04-23"] and the year of interest is "2001", then the function should return 75% (three accounts were created in 2001, and there are four<br>accounts, therefore 100 x 3 x 75%)

Python(programming language)


Expert Solution

I have uploaded the Images of the code, Typed code and Output of the Code. I have provided explanation using comments (read them for better understanding).

Images of the Code:
Note: If the below code is missing indentation please refer code Images

Typed Code:

# A function called pick with input parameters
# uve a string representing the year
# bera_list is list containing strings representing bank accounts
def pick( uve, bera_list):
# An Empty List Accounts to
# store account number created in uve year
Accounts = [];
# a for loop to access all the strings in bera_list
for x in bera_list:
# Middle 2 digits of account number representing year are x[3:5]
# Last two digits of given uve year are uve[2:]
# comparing whether both are equal or not
if(x[3:5] == uve[2:]):
# if they are equal
# replacing the underscores with "" (blank)
# and appending x to List Accounts
# Calculating the Percentage of Accounts
Accounts_Percentage = (len(Accounts)/len(bera)) * 100
# returning the List of Accounts and Accounts_Percentage
return Accounts,Accounts_Percentage

# A list of bank accounts
bera=["49-01-26", "19-01-33", "99-01-53", "59-04-23"]
# A string representing the year

# calling the function pick with parameters uve string and bera List
# storing the returned values in Accounts and Percentage
Accounts,Percentage= pick(uve,bera)

# printing the returned List
print("The Bank Accounts created in the Year",uve,"are",Accounts)
# printing The returned Percentage
print("The Percentage of Accounts is ",Percentage,"%")
#code ended here


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