Laser is created when electrons in an atom absorbs energy from
any external opto-electric source and get excited.
These excited electons move from lower energy state to higher
energy state, that is, to there excited state.
When these electons return to their ground
state, they emit photons as a form of radiation.If these
photons are at the same wavelength and are
coherent then only laser is produced.
Ground state: It is the initial lower energy level or state of
the electron.
Coherent: Coherent waves are those two or more waves having
constant phase difference over time. Waves are said to be in-phase
only when their crest(maxima) and trough(minima) meet at same place
and at same time.
Wavelength: Wavelength is the distance measured between any two
consecutive crest or trough of a wave.
Laser differs from ordinary light in following ways:
- Monochromatic: Laser is highly monochromatic,
means it mainly consist of single wavelength.
- Directionility: Laser travel in a single
direction whearas ordinary light can travel in all possible
directions at the same time.
- Intensity: Lasers are more intensed then
ordinary light. It means that in a laser higher number of photons
pass through per unit area per unit time as compared to ordinary
- Coherence: Lasers are coherent while ordinary
light is not commonly coherent from the beginning.
Steps involved in lasing are:
- Pumping;Electrons in an atom get excited to
higher energy state by absorbing energy from external source.
- Population Inversion: In general the number of
electrons in a lower energy state is always greater as compared to
higher energy level. To achieve a position where number of
electrons in higher energy level is greater than lower energy level
is called population inversion. To achieve this position firstly,
pumping is done i.e. energy is given to electrons at lower energy
level by which it gets excited to higher energy state, but
electrons are not stable at this state so from this higher energy
level they come back to a energy state between these two states
where it is stable for small amount of time. This state is called
metastable state. (electrons do not radiate any
energy while coming from higher energy state to meta-stable
state)In this state number of electrons are greater than the
initial lower energy state thus population inversion
is accomplished.
- Laser Action: Electrons present in meta-stable
state decays to lower energy state by stimulated emission by which
laser is produced.Stimulated emission is the
process by which an incoming photon of a specific frequency can
interact with an excited atomic electron (or other excited
molecular state), causing it to drop to a lower energy level.
- Back to ground state:Electrons in higher
energy state decays directly from higher energy state to lower
energy state by spontaneous emission.Spontaneous emission is a
process in which atom decays from higher energy state to lower
energy state without any outside mechanism.