
In: Biology

Many changes have occurred in the Poultry industry over the last century. Housing systems are a...

Many changes have occurred in the Poultry industry over the last century. Housing systems are a topic of constant debate. Select two types of housing systems and summarize how they are designed. If you were a poultry farmer, which system(s) would you utilize to raise your birds. Explain why and discuss what potential issues/challenges you could face by utilizing this system?


Expert Solution

Enriched housing system: In this type of housing the hens are grown in cages which are large and they have more space. The hens are frown in small groups and there is separate space for laying egg and 24 hours acess to food and water. The advantages of this housing system are the environment is more similar to their natural habitat, less chance of getting dissease as temperature is set such that,eggs are collected separately, manure also falls away so chance of getting disease is low. Disadvantage is the cost of building the cages is large so it will result in hike of egg price.

Free Run Eggs: In this type the hens are grown in large barns, and they can move through out these barn but cannot go out. The advantage of this type of sysytem is hens can express their natural behaviour fully such as they can scartch around and perch, forage.But the disadvatage is the fececes on the floormay cause disease to the birds and also show cannabalism.

Free range eggs: The key feature is hens have acess to go out during morning in this system. advantages involve as hens have acess to both indoor and outdoor the range access is more and they more behavioral opportunity. So have good bones and feather.disadvantages involved great exposure to toxins, extreme climate,predators and may also go out of the range of hen houses.

Aviary egg farm: In this system they are grown in large barns and hens can fly down to forage , perch and scartch. the advatage is they can express more natural behavior, they perform best but as large number are grown together chance of getting diesease is more.

As a poultery farmer enriched sysem is the best, though the cost is more.The main disadvantage of this system was said as cost, but it is only the initial cost.In this system the poutery can be maintained in good health condition as cleaniliness scores here. Both the egg and hens will be healthy. So the loss by the death of disesed hens will be minimum.As the environment of these hens are wll maintained they will give helathy eggs so customers will ready to buy even the price is little bit more.

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