First of all we shoul know what social engineering means. It
means manipulating a person into knowingly or unknowingly giving up
Examples of how security-aware culture can help employees identify
and repel social engineering attacks:
- One of the biggest threat of social engineering is gathering
information by watching people enter passwords in ATM. This could
be avoided after having a security aware culture as they would
avoid being careless in such situations.
- Another way of gathering information by listening to
conversations in restaurants and public places. By awareness people
will have the knowledge of what to say at what place.
- Another way is by watching people enter pin into their laptops.
This could be avoided after having a security aware culture.
- It will help the employess to identify the trojan mails and
- It will help the employees to understand if a person is trying
to create a fake scenario in front of him to gather
- It will also help them to not fall in the trap of phising
- They will be able to identify fake websites that are created
only for false purposes
- They will take responsibilty or ownership for their corporate
7 leaders in the 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for the
security-aware computer-based training are :
- KnowBe4
- Proofpoint
- Infosec
- Cofense
- MediaPRO
- Terranova Security
- Inspired eLearning