
In: Computer Science

Create a "Date" class that contains: three private data members: month day year (I leave it...

Create a "Date" class that contains:

three private data members:
(I leave it to you to decide the type)
"setters" and "getters" for each of the data (6 functions in total)
One advantage of a "setter" is that it can provide error checking. Add assert statements to the setter to enforce reasonable conditions. For example, day might be restricted to between 1 and 31 inclusive.
one default constructor (no arguments)
one constructor with three arguments: month, day, and year
Add assert statements to enforce reasonable conditions.
a printDate function. This function will have no arguments and return void
a sameMonth function. This function will have one Date argument and a boolean return type
In main (in the following order):

instantiate one date object (date1) using the default constructor
use the getters to display the month, day, and year of date1 (should print the default values)
read keyboard input from the user for a month, day and year
use the setters to set the values of date1 to the values that came from the user
read keyboard input from the user for a second date
use the constructor with three arguments to instantiate date2 to the second date input from the user
print both objects using printDate
print a message to say if the two months are the same (testing the sameMonth function)
Your code should be in three files:

contains the class definition
includes "Date.h"
contains the functions for the class
includes "Date.h"
tests the class
Sample Output (Two Runs)

Testing the default constructor and the getters
The initialized date is (M-D-Y):1-1-1

Please enter a date:(Month Day Year): 11 03 1976
Please enter a second date:(Month Day Year): 03 03 1999

Printing the two days:
The date is (M-D-Y): 11-3-1976
The date is (M-D-Y): 3-3-1999
The months are different
Testing the default constructor and the getters
The initialized date is (M-D-Y): 1-1-1

Please enter a date:(Month Day Year): 12 15 2009
Please enter a second date:(Month Day Year): 12 25 2020

Printing the two days:
The date is (M-D-Y): 12-15-2009
The date is (M-D-Y): 12-25-2020
The months are the same


Expert Solution

// Date.h

#ifndef DATE_H
#define DATE_H

class Date
// Function declarations
Date(int month, int day, int year);

int getMonth();
void setMonth(int month);
int getDay();
void setDay(int day);
int getYear();
void setYear(int year);
void printDate();
bool sameMonth(Date d);

// Declaring variables
int month;
int day;
int year;



// Date.cpp

#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "Date.h"

this->day = 1;
this->month = 1;
this->year = 1;
Date::Date(int month, int day, int year)
this->year = year;

int Date::getMonth()
return month;
void Date::setMonth(int month)
assert(month >= 1 && month <= 12);
this->month = month;
int Date::getDay()
return day;
void Date::setDay(int day)
assert(day >= 1 && day <= 31);
this->day = day;
int Date::getYear()
return year;
void Date::setYear(int year)
this->year = year;
void Date::printDate()
cout << "he date is (M-D-Y): " << month << "-" << day << "-" << year << endl;
bool Date::sameMonth(Date d)
if (this->month == d.getMonth())
return true;
return false;



// main.cpp

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "Date.h"

int main()
int month,day,year;
Date date1;
cout<<"The initialized date is (M-D-Y):"<<date1.getMonth()<<"-"<<date1.getDay()<<"-"<<date1.getYear()<<endl;
cout<<"Please enter a date : (Month Day Year):";
cout<<"Please enter a second date : (Month Day Year):";
Date date2(month,day,year);

cout<<"\nPrinting the two days:"<<endl;
bool b=date1.sameMonth(date2);
cout<<"The months are the same"<<endl;
cout<<"The months are not same"<<endl;

return 0;





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