In: Biology
Match the following with the definitions below:
Cartilaginous Fish
Lobe-Finned Fish
Ray-Finned Fish
Descriptions (in random order)
--Skeleton made of bone. Various types of scales, but paired fins that are attached to the pectoral muscles and are stiff. No dorsal fin. First vertebrates utilize lungs for respiration. External fertilization. Ectothermic. Have a 2 chambered heart. No external ears and no eyelids.
--A major late lineage of reptiles that evolved from an extinct group. Flight oriented organisms including organ loss and lightweight honeycomb bones. High metabolism. 4 chambered heart. Only endothermic of the reptiles. No teeth.
--Showed development of the waterproof amniote egg, and thus are the first true land animals. Thick dry skin covered with scales made of Keratin. Internal fertilization. Respiration through well developed lungs. Ectothermic. 3 chambered heart. Most have external ears and eyelids.
--Entire skeleton made from cartilage. Body covered in triangular scales. First animals with “true teeth” made of dentine and enamel. Paired, non-flexable fins. Show internal fertilization. Ectothermic. Use gills for respiration and have a 2 chambered heart. No external ears and no eye lids.
--A late diverging group of mammals that moved to bimodal locomotion, developed an opposable thumb, and had large increases in the brain cranium size.
--Earliest tetrapods to walk and live on land. Smooth moist skin which does some of the respiration along with its lungs. Have external fertilization and their offspring all develop in aquatic environment. Ectothermic. First to have a 3 chambered heart. First animals to possess a pressure releasing canal called the Eustachian tube. No externals ears, but first vertebrates with eyelids, they have 3.
--Jawless with vertebrae and cranium made of cartilage. Have primitive teeth made of Keratin used to attach itself to its prey. Lack paired fins. Show external fertilization. Ectothermic. Use gills for respiration and have a 2 chambered heart. No external ears and no eye lids.
--A major group of reptiles that are now extinct. Had body covered in scales and many had feathers. Included the first vertebrates to fly. Believed to be mesothermic (in between ecto and endothermic). Had a 4 chambered heart.
--Amniotic group of vertebrates that possess hair made of Keratin. Also developed mammary glands which produce milk to nourish their young. Endothermic with a well developed 4 chamber heart. First vertebrates with teeth imbedded into the jawbone and have several types of teeth. Highly developed brain and nervous system.
--Skeleton made of bone. First to show swim bladder and operculum. Various types of scales, but paired fins made of spines. External fertilization. Ectothermic. Use gills for respiration and have a 2 chambered heart. No external ears and no eye lids.
lobe finned fish
Cartilaginous Fish
ray finned fish